
Stockholm-based dancer and choreographer Stina Nyberg employs conviction and illusion to create new systems of logic, starting from a feminist perspective on the body's social and political construction and its ability to move. She collaborates across disciplines with choreographers, musicians, visual artists, technicians, and magicians. Saying yes to both the habitual and the unknown MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES samples the dance history of a cross-generational cast of dancers and merges them into new forms. MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES by Stina Nyberg will be presented on 29 Aug 2024, at FFT Düsseldorf (DE) on the Big Stage. More info about the performance here

Stina Nyberg's participation is made possible with special support by Kulturrådet/Swedish Arts Council, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Riksteatern, Rum för dans, Dancenet Sweden and MDT. More info about Stina here.
photo: Linda Himsel

Claire Parsons Co. is among the group of Swedish choreographers, dancers, and companies participating in Swedish Dance Experience at internationale tanzmesse nrw 2024 in Düsseldorf (DE). Swedish Dance is an opportunity for visitors to meet some of the most interesting artists creating dance in Sweden. Drop by and have a chat! On 28–31 Aug 2024, booth nr 57, second floor in the Agora! Read more here.

The latest production DUST will be a part of the Salto! festival, DUST will tour southern Sweden with visits to Malmö, Lund, Kristianstad, Eslöv, Hässleholm, and Vellinge. In between there will also be stops in Falkenberg, Norrköping for the festival ScenGalej, and Jönköping (SE). After that, DUST will head north to a series of winter performances in Piteå and Arvidsjaur (SE). Read more about DUST here.

Find out more about Claire Parsons Co. at
photo: Jonath Mathew

Dancer and choreographer Viktor Fröjd is rooted in street and house dance, crafts his artistic practice around honesty and social power. Aiming for his performances to be experienced rather than observed, he has gained acclaim over the past decade through numerous performances, battles, and festivals. 
FESTEN is a tribute to the human and the spiritual. To dance and to use the body to experience all the inherent possibilities in the human being. FESTEN will be presented as part of the Swedish Dance Experience, organized by Danscentrum at the Philara Gallery in Düsseldorf (DE) on 29 Aug 2024 and at Malmö Dance Week (SE) presented by Inkonst & Iver on 29 Oct 2024.

Viktor Fröjd's participation is made possible with special support by Kulturrådet/Swedish Arts Council, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Malmö Stad, and Region Skåne. Learn more about Viktor Fröjd here.
photo: Tina Axelsson

The artistic duo Byström Källblad will present CITY HORSES at The Swedish Dance Experience at the internationale tanzmesse nrw 2024 off programme on 29 Aug 2024. CITY HORSES, a dance performance with twenty female dancers in the city landscape premiering in 2017 at Dansens Hus in Stockholm (SE), is about power, existence, and the female body in the public space. Read more here.

On 21 Sept 2024 CALLING WE ARE HERE, a Byström Källblad performance that premiered earlier this year in Sala (SE), will be performed in Hallen in Farsta, Stockholm (SE).

Byström Källblad is excited to start a production residence for a new work at Space & Place in Falun (SE) in August. Space & Place is a three-year dance residency project; a collaboration between Riksteatern Dalarna, Dalateatern, and Riksteatern (SE).

Byström Källblad is a selected Big Pulse Dance Alliance artists and is supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Swedish Arts Council, Region Västmanland, Region Stockholm, Creative Europe Programme EU.

 Find out more about Byström Källblad at
photoDonatas Ališauska, Märta Thisner,

Join the Fringe Fragments showcase at Dancebase as part of Edinburgh Fringe on 19-20 Aug 2024, with works by choreographers from Sweden, Canada, and the UK. This showcase is produced/hosted by Dance Base (UK) in partnership with Nordberg Movement (Sweden), Art Circulation (Canada), The Place (UK) and Here & Now showcase (UK).
The showcase on 19 Aug 2024 will feature AND SO WE'RE GONE by Björn Säfsten and on 20 Aug 2024 WATERKIND by Land Before Time. The participation of Nordberg Movement and the artists from Sweden is made possible with support from the Swedish Embassy in the United Kingdom and Kulturrådet/Swedish Arts Council.
Read more about the 2024 Edinburgh Festival Fringe Programme / Fringe Fragments here.
photo: Elena Perota

AVATARED is a party in the form of a hosted dancefloor with happenings. Pounding bass, electronic music, flowing lights, dancefloor, synchronized bodies, and an elevated DJ booth. The atmosphere of festival and club glamor is highlighted in the dance show AVATARED, although a slightly disturbing and curiously liberating detail has been added: the DJ dances.

In the conceptual dance show AVATARED, the DJ has been given new life. For one hour, two professional dancers have become the DJ's avatars. They begin by interspersing vinyl spins in the DJ booth with choreographed micro-performances. Dance solos on the podium are choreographed to entice the audience to the dance floor while the avatars gradually abandon the DJ booth and jump on the dance floor to join and fire up the dancing. The audience is drawn into the rhythm and invited to feel the freedoms of movement and presence – get together, get moving, get avatared.

Performance date: 30 Aug 2024 Bältespännarparken, Göteborg (SE). More info here.

Find out more about Aloun Marchal at
photo: Thomas Zamolo
COSMETIC DEMONS: A CHOREOGRAPHIC SALON uses the hair salon as a metaphor for a place where our processes, emotions, and inner demons can have space to be shared and celebrated. Allowing visitors to indulge in a cosmetic transformation and a live conversation between a hairdresser and a client. In front of the chairs - where the mirror used to be - there is now a dancer. Three hairdressers, three clients, and three dancers play out a choreographic idea that becomes a fictive salon.
Performance dates: 28-29 Aug 2024, Göteborgs dans-och teaterfestival, Atalante (SE), 11 Sept 2024, Norrlandsoperan Umeå (SE), 11-12 Oct 2024, Coda Oslo International Dance Festival (NO) 

Producer: Sindri Runudde and Nordberg Movement. Co-production: Dansens Hus, Norrlandsoperan and Inkonst. Supported by the Swedish Arts Council, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Nordisk Kulturfond, and Region Skåne. Find out more about Sindri Runudde here.
photoDonatas Ališauska

Land Before Time (Joanna Holewa Chrona and Yared Tilahund Cederlund) presents WATERKIND at Fringe Fragments at Dancebase during Edinburgh Fringe in Edinburgh (UK) and opens Swedstage in Stockholm (SE). The work explores the interplay and connection between two bodies without direct physical contact. How can we experience the sensation of connection and the mutual understanding of the next movement through improvisation? Water is the inspiration to form the flows and currents, combined with freestyle and elements of popping the result is a specific material contained in the work. The duo recently participated in RIDCC, the world's biggest choreographic duet competition, in Rotterdam (NL). Read more about Land Before Time here.
Tour dates: 20 Aug 2024 Fringe Fragments, Dancebase, Edinburgh (UK), 26 Aug 2024 Swedstage, Tranströmerbiblioteket, Stockholm (SE).
photo: Mats Bäcker

The Swedish dancer and choreographer Charlotte Engelkes will present the performance TRANSPLANTATION at the Swedstage Pitch Session 2024, which takes place in Stockholm on 26-30 Aug 2024.

TRANSPLANTATION premiered at Norrlandsoperan in Umeå (SE) in 2021. Together with the dancer and choreographer Sofia Södergård, Engelkes has created a performance about identity, existence, life, and death. In TRANSPLANTATION, we experience choreography, standup, opera, music, comedy, and drama – with inspiration from bone marrow transplantation, love stories, and Wagner. Now available for booking!

Find out more about Charlotte Engelkes at
photo: Louise Herrche Serupo

This fall Convoi Exceptionnel goes into production of the new performance DETACHED FROM OTHERS, world premiering in February 2025 in Copenhagen. DETACHED FROM OTHERS delves into the theme of loneliness. The performance is built upon basic, analog, and acoustic elements: One body, one flame, and one church organ. Together these solitary elements intertwine into an intricate dance performance and musical experience. The piece is choreographed by Jon R. Skulberg.

From 28-31 Aug 2024 Convoi Exceptionnel´s artistic director Jon Skulberg and international representative Sigrid Aakvik will be attending the internationale  tanzmesse nrw in Dűsseldorf (DE). They look forward to connecting and sharing more about the upcoming season!

Tour dates: 6-7 Sept 2024 YOU ARE A DAY TOMORROW at Kin Festival, Sydhavn Teater (DK)

Learn more about Convoi Exceptionnel at
photo: Antero Hein

This year’s annual collaboration with the dance talent development program DanseFOT presents DANSEFOT & NAGELHUS SCHIA PRODUCTIONS: IN C – NEXT GENERATION.
Nagelhus Schia Productions is currently the only professional company with the license to perform IN C by the renowned German choreographer Sasha Waltz. With this piece, the company has enjoyed great success since the premiere at Bærum Kulturhus in March 2023. Now young dancers are also included for the first time as the piece returns to Bærum Kulturhus on 30-31 Aug 2024.
IN C is based on the musical composition by Terry Riley from 1964. Riley’s masterpiece is an open composition, generally considered to be the first piece of minimalist music. Sasha Waltz has translated this concept into dance, creating 53 movement phrases to be used in a structured improvisation with clear rules. For five consecutive weeks, the young and professional dancers have collaborated on these choreographic figures, developing their interpretation of the structured yet playful work. Read more here.
Find out more about Nagelhus Schia Productions at
photo: Javier Garcia

Premiere and anniversary! Memory Wax Dance Company celebrates 20 years in 2024 with the premiere of PLAYGROUND at Dansstationen in Malmö (SE) on 6 Sept 2024. Together with the Cuban dance company Danza Teatro Retazos, they present PLAYGROUND - a strong poetic dance performance that explores group dynamics and the importance of play. PLAYGROUND alludes to the importance of play in all aspects of life. In harmony with captivating moments, the joy of movement, and the magic of everyday objects.

The production is co-produced and part of Dans i Nord's regional tour Moving Norrbotten, which will visit all 14 municipalities in the region of Norrbotten (SE). The autumn tour is also a collaboration with Barnens scen, Dansstationen, Kulturell Allemansrätt - City of Malmö, SEGNI New Generations Festival - Italy, Ystad kulturgaranti and Ängelholms Riksteaterförening.

Learn more about Memory Wax at
photo: Håkan Jelk

The choreographer Helena Franzén creates TERRA for the dance company Stockholm 59° North at Sweden’s oldest rococo theatre Confidencen in Stockholm (SE) on 24-25 Aug 2024.

TERRA is a duet that celebrates the inherent human instincts that we all carry within us, about human belonging and origin - a danced tribute to Mother Earth. A physically articulated duet with two experienced female dancers with strong integrity. In this confused world, how do we find context, meaning - how do we make our existence comprehensible?

The work asks questions about the physical processes that arise when we relate to another person - about how we adapt but also about how we create distance from each other. TERRA is based on playful moments, musicality, and movement poetry that is choreographer Helena Franzén's signature as a choreographer. Find tickets here.

Learn more about Helena Franzén at
photo: Lia Jacobi

In the music genre of Shoegaze, the musicians always look focused down on the floor, at their feet. What are they looking at? Choreographer Kristin Helgebostad compares them to gigantic giants who look down on complex hyper-landscapes of moss, ants, wasps, and insects. Like the giant Atlas who is condemned to carry the firmament on his shoulders, we all, including the giant, must bear the fact that we are treading on what is beneath us.
Helgebostad is a Norwegian performer and choreographer based in Oslo. She welcomes a wide range of different performative and choreographic strategies into her practice and works in several collaborations both as a performer and a choreographer.
SHOEGAZE will have its world premiere on 27 Sept 2024 at Härnösands Theater (SE), followed by a tour in Stockholm and northern Sweden.
Learn more about Norrdans at
photo: IlDance

A new durational dance-performance act that pushes boundaries and brings queer criticality to a new sphere. The presentations on 1-3 Sept 2024 are part of the Belgrade Pride Week in Serbia.

BOYS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN is a durational multi-disciplinary dance-performance act confronting the challenge of deconstructing the "man" and taboos around men's sensuality and tactility in mainstream Western culture. The work does so by addressing power dynamics and hierarchies of social positioning in the visual art space (the gallery), politics of object and subject (presenting man as an object), questioning what a body is and how its processes inform its utterances of becoming, as well as the practice of individual agency in a public space (both for the public and the performers). Choreography by Israel Aloni and the performers.

Supported by Heartefact Fund and the Culture Moves Europe program of the European Union. Please go here for more info and the credits list.

Read more about Ildance at
photo: Märta Thisner

Bambam Frost opens the work WHEN I JUMP THE GROUND SHAKES for children aged 5-8 years at and in co-production with Dansens Hus in Stockholm (SE) on 16 Oct 2024. More info here. Inspired by science fiction, three dancers explore how the ability to empathize and care can be trained and developed into what we call superpowers.

”I am practicing to become a superhero. I have realized that there is something inside of me, in my body, that can transform me. I can't fly, I can't run very fast or climb walls yet. But when that special thing – that which exists inside me – is activated, it's like I feel everything all the time. When I dance, waves appear in the water and when I jump, the ground shakes.”

Find out more about Bambam Frost here.
photo: Robert Jadenfelt

Peter Svenzon and Art of Spectra in a new collaboration with Atalante in Gothenburg (SE). Artist-driven has been a keyword in the scene's activities since Atalante's beginnings. Now Peter Svenzon and Art of Spectra have been invited to be the new "in-house artists". Art of Spectra starts with performances of the latest production DISORDER on 17, 18, and 22 Sept 2024. DISORDER is also invited to Vancouver in March 2025. More info here.

"The work seems to be ongoing and this constant flow of longing - and powerful, erratic movement - becomes a relevant interpretation of the disorder of our time." Kuriren (SE) on DISORDER
Peter Svenzon and Art of Spectra collaborate with the director Janos Szasz in the upcoming production GATSBY at Gothenburg Stadsteater, autumn -24. Premiere 14 Sept 2024. More info here.
Find out more about Art of Spectra at
photo: Märta Thisner, graphic design: Aron Kullander-Östling

Anna Öberg’s new work INCUS opens at Norrlandsoperan on 27 Sept 2024 and tours through Sweden with Dancenet Sweden. Dancer and choreographer Anna Öberg blends Swedish folk dance with a strong physical approach, creating innovative, multilayered performances that integrate music and movement to captivate audiences. In INCUS – A RHYTHMIC SOLO FOR THREE – Anna Öberg returns to the core of her practice – listening and moving in and through rhythm. This time, she takes the stage herself, in close collaboration with musicians Johannes Burström and Olof Misgeld, as well as sound designer Elize Arvefjord. And as always - in close relation to the audience. 
INCUS is a co-production between Norrlandsoperan, Rum för Dans, and Dancenet Sweden with support from Kulturrrådet/Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee. Read more about Anna Öberg here.  

Touring through Dancenet Sweden fall 2024: 27 Sept 2024 Norrlandsoperan, Umeå (SE), 1 Oct 202Falkhallen, Falkenberg (SE), 3 Oct 2024 Dansstationen, Malmö (SE), 5 Oct 2024 Sagateatern, Linköping (SE), 11 Oct 202Kulturhuset Askersund (SE), 14 Oct 2024 Bollnäs kulturhus (SE)
photo: Joakim Nyström

I SJÄLVA VERKET is a performance that moves in the borderland between monologue and dance solo. Educational and with a large dose of humour, Säfsten balances ingenious dance with personal storytelling. Inspired by TED talks, Säfsten guides us through the intricate science and vocabulary of contemporary dance. Self-biographical and arbitrarily omniscient, he takes us on a charming performance that entices insights and laughter. 

Dansnät Sverige/Dancenet Sweden has previously toured Björn Säfsten with productions such as LANGUAGE FOOLS (2016), DISPLAY (2013), COMPACT CONVERSATIONS (2011), and CUATRO ESTACIONES (2008).
Tour dates: 10 Sept 2024 Palladium, Alingsås (SE), 12 Sept 2024 Byteatern Kalmar Länsteater (SE), 14 Sept 2024 Sagateatern, Linköping (SE), 16 Sept 2024 Gävle teater,18-19 Sept 2024 Jönköpings läns museum (SE)
Read more about Björn Säfsten at
photo: Martin Skoog

Ingrid Olterman Dans is thrilled to announce that the dance performance BABBLELEAVES, has been selected for the Festival Visioni Di Teatro 2025 in Bologna (IT) in March 2025. This international festival dedicated to the early years showcases exceptional performing arts and culture for children aged 0 to 6.

In addition to BABBLELEAVES, the company just launched WE JUST DO: IN THE OPEN in Vimmerby (SE) on 6 June 2024. This performance invites audiences on an adventure filled with whirling movements, imaginative sounds, and interactive surprises.

Tantolunden in Stockholm (SE) made its outdoor debut on 5 June 2024 by hosting its first-ever dance performance in the lush hillside park with the dance performance, SHELTER LEAVES: TOGETHER OUTDOORS. This show for children aged 4-7 transports young audiences into a world seen through a leafy canopy, where imagination flourishes and shares the wonder of creation and the joy of discovery. SHELTER LEAVES: TOGETHER OUTDOORS will continue to tour throughout 2024 and 2025. For more information, contact Ingrid Olterman Dance Company or go here.

Read more about Ingrid Olterman Dans at
photo: José Figueroa 

Johanssons Pelargoner och Dans' new participatory work, REALITY IS ROUND, is premiering on 6-7 Sept 2024 at Norrlandsoperan in Umeå (SE), followed by performances at Sara Kulturhus in Skellefteå (SE) on 9 Sept 2024. REALITY IS ROUND is a participatory dance performance for children aged 1-2 and their adults, exploring human connection and encounters beyond language.
THE CHOREOGRAPHY has been invited to Horsens Theaterfestival in Horsens (DK) on 20 Sept 2024. Horsens Theatre Festival presents around 35 children's and youth performances for both the audience and the industry.
I'M THINKING OF YOU will embark on a tour, visiting libraries in Nödinge, Valdemarsvik, Linköping, and Boxholm (SE) in September and October. I'M THINKING OF YOU, for ages 10 and up, is a participatory work that takes place in libraries.
“The performance is a celebration of reading and libraries as defenders of democratic values and freedom of expression. Libraries as meeting places all over the world - a cultural policy statement.” – The Bibu jury 2024
Read more about  Johanssons Pelargoner och Dans at
photo: Jose Figueroa

No less than seven of Virpi Pahkinen´s films will be shown in a Swedish program during the Living Dance Festival in the city of Jinan, Shandong province in China. The short film The Seventh Salt is filmed in the shimmering pink salt desert of Patagonia. In Fall, a huge uprooted tree forms the background to the dancing couple. And the remarkable Subl.una is an ice-skating dance film where an orange butterfly heart comes to life in the rink after hockey practice is over. The latest film Meteor has been shown at film festivals in Italy, Mexico, Finland, and the US. Screening is scheduled for the 21 Aug 2024, more info here. Please go here to watch Virpi Pahkinen´s dance short films! 

Meteor will also be screening at the prestigious Love & Anarchy, the Helsinki International Film Festival (FI), which takes place from 19-29 Aug 2024

A brand new choreography, the solo RITUALS by Virpi Pahkinen and music by Marcel Nichan, will be premiering 13 Sept 2024 at the concert house Nygatan 6 in Växjö (SE). The program is hosted by Media Artes. More info here.

Learn more about Virpi Pahkinen at
photo: Tobias Regell

Charlotta Öfverholm is part of the work KUCKEL 2 which will tour in Sweden with Dancenet Sweden in October. Alexander Ekman is a choreographer who has become known for delivering magnificent choreographic works for opera houses worldwide. Elegantly and cleverly, he allows six strong stage personalities to portray the many expressions and faces of manipulation.

Tour dates: 1 Oct 2024 Västerås konserthus (SE), 3 Oct 2024 Hjalmar Bergmanteatern, Örebro (SE), 8 Oct 2024 Stora Teatern, Göteborg (SE), 11 Oct 2024 Knivsta centrum för idrott och kultur (SE), 15 Oct 2024 Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg, Växjö (SE), 17 Oct 2024 Lokstallarna, Karlshamn (SE), 20 Oct 2024 Studio Acusticum, Piteå (SE), 22 Oct 2024 Kulturens hus, Luleå (SE), 24 Oct 2024 Kulturhuset tio14, Falun (SE)

On 6-8 Nov 2024 Charlotta Öfverholm will perform her newest work DICK SO SO at Dansens Hus Elverket in Stockholm (SE). Would you like to earn more money? Have a better sex life? Have thicker, glossier hair? Come join DICK SO SO, the worlds leading women’s empowerment specialist, and be re-born as the YOU you were always meant to be. Learn how to finally take control of your life!
Find out more about Charlotta Öfverholm at
photo: Kinga Michalska

30 Sept -5 Oct 2024 Within Practice invites you to explore a variety of formats, all centered around artistic practices and collaboration within the dance and choreography field. Within Practice aims to showcase and create platforms for sharing and knowledge exchange in the continuously expanding realm of contemporary dance.
Within Practice 2024 is presented in close partnership with MDT, Dansens Hus, SKH/Dance, Weld, and DC Stockholm (SE). This year, the lineup of artists includes Cullberg, Jeanine Durning, Mette Edvardsen, Shirley Harthey Ubilla, Stina Nyberg, and Andrew Tay, who will conduct workshops and practice presentations. The festival also presents morning classes, lectures, and an open space format for practice-sharing. Join Within Practice and immerse yourself in the "whys" and "hows" – in the essence of dance-making! More info here.
photo: Märta Thisner

Gunilla Heilborn's latest work DANTE plays at Sandnes Kulturhus in Norway on 19 Sept 2024, as part of the RAS program (Regional Arena for Contemporary Dance).  

In DANTE we meet three lost souls in an indecisive comedy about constant wanderings and unreliable guides. Like all comedies, DANTE starts very badly but ends well. Past and present meet in a highly speculative reading of Dante's eternal questions in a work for three lost souls. Wandering in a constant fog of uncertainty, no answers are found, but lots of questions that alternate between classic Heilborn humor and seriousness. Read more about the show and Gunilla's work here.  

 ”With "Dante" you can't count on either a fast-paced summary of "The Divine Comedy" or a moderate account of Dante himself in less than an hour, but in return, you get much more. A sprawling, quirky, and often wonderful little performance art piece about traveling – yes, about living.”   Svenska Dagbladet (SE)

Find out more about Gunilla Heilborn at
photo: Lou T Lundqvist

Korda Art in Motion Dance Company celebrates 12 years with dance and visual art close to nature and the forests in Dalarna and Gävleborg (SE). Korda Art in Motion, Linda Forsman, Julyen Hamilton, and Lou T Lundqvist created a new piece at Matsesgården Stigsbo - DUO-SOLO-SOLO-DUO, performed in the Garden. Julyen Hamilton (UK) has been making and performing dances worldwide for 45 years. He has made over 100 solos as well as 20 years of Company pieces and numerous collaborations with dancers, musicians, and theatre performers. Read more about Julyen Hamilton here.

In addition, the performance GAVIA ARCTICA is shown on 16-18 Aug 2024. GAVIA ARCTICA is a unique dance art nature experience. inspired by the arctic waterfowl, the Gavia Arctica - Gästrikland's landscape bird, the lake Grycken, the forest garden, the trees, and the grass. Choreography by Linda Forsman. More info and tickets here.

Find out more about Korda Art in Motion Dance Company at
photo: Chrisander Brun, AD: Sepidar Hosseini

All people have one thing in common; we have all been there, on the inside of someone's body! Even though we all have different experiences of becoming, of coming into being, or of giving life to new people, we are still bound together in this; Life's first chamber play. 
In DOLLY, OR/ELLER has let three guiding stars cross-fertilize the thematic of the work - Dolly the sheep - the first clone, Dolly Parton the artist - the woman who has continued her creation outside of the womb, and the doll, who comes alive through play and imagination.  DOLLY is a dancing laboratory, gathering inspiration from anatomical theater, chamber plays, and puppet theater. The body and its movements are put on display when Anja Arnquist, Sam Huczkowski, and Madeleine Lindh let dance's ability to breathe life speak for the idea of the poetics of cell division, the blurred boundaries of subjectivity and a constructed becoming in our contemporary world. For dates and more info - check MDT.  
All the best from the team at MADEIN-THEWEB.COM and all our joint members. is a website displaying Nordic performing arts intended for an international audience.
MADE IN the web is an initiative created by Loco World with the intention to increase the visibility of Nordic performing arts.
Loco World/MADEIN is an organization supported by the Swedish Arts Council for its international activities.