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On 29 Jun-3 Jul 2022 ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM presents cool contemporary dance to programmers worldwide. This year´s event takes place in Helsinki, Finland. Several MADE IN the web members will be there to perform, make pitch presentations, and take part in talks and seminars. The Ice Hot program 2022 consists of 21 performances and 18 pitch presentations from all Nordic countries. Hope to see you there! ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM is an event presenting both emerging and established names of Nordic contemporary dance and choreography to presenters, programmers, and other professionals all over the world. Ice Hot Nordic Dance is a collaboration network of partner organizations in five Nordic countries: Dance Info Finland, Dansehallerne (Denmark), Dansens Hus Oslo (Norway), Dansens Hus Stockholm (Sweden), and Ice Hot Reykjavik (Iceland). Read more about Ice Hot Nordic Dance Platform here.
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photo: Owen Fiene
The Icelandic choreographer Katrín Gunnarsdóttir with her collective Marble Crowd will be performing ØLAND at ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM on 30 Jun 2022, 19:30 pm, in Helsinki / Alexander Theatre (FI). More info here. Katrín with her producer Heba Eir Kjeld will also be participating in MORE MORE MORE pitch session presenting THEL and ALDA. Read more here. Katrín Gunnarsdóttir in collaboration with Eva Berger premiered ALDA at Reykjavík Arts Festival in Gerðarsafn 11 Jun 2022. The live installation/exhibition will be open through the summer, until 4 Sep 2022. Read more here. Find out more about Katrín Gunnarsdóttir at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Chrisander Brun
Sindri Runudde´s A SENSORAL LECTURE will show at ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM on 1 Jul 2022, 1:30 pm, in Helsinki/Tanssin talo (FI). Read more here. A SENSORAL LECTURE is a solo performance by and with Sindri Runudde, in which we encounter five voices through metaphoric dating scenarios. The show deals with auditory romance and love at first frequency, an exploration of sound, and especially the voice, like touch. Through dance, dialogue, and movement exercises, the audience is invited to a sensoral lecture with humour, imagination, and sensitivity. Together with composer Marta Forsberg, Sindri explored the concept of a voice message and the culture of auditive versus text-based SMS. With guidance from Sindri, the audience will be invited to try this practice during the performance.
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photo: Rebecka Holmström
THE CHOREOGRAPHY by Johanssons pelargoner och dans will be presented at ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM on 2 Jul 2022, 10:35 am, in Helsinki / Tanssin talo - Dance House Lobby (FI). THE CHOREOGRAPHY is part of the More More More program. Read more here. THE CHOREOGRAPHY is an interactive performance based on audience participation. Everyone in the audience gets a pair of headphones through which they will hear a voice guiding them on how to move, how to relate to one’s body, and how to relate to one another. THE CHOREOGRAPHY is available in 15 languages. Regardless of language, everyone can participate together and listen to the same instructions. Find out more about Johanssons pelargoner och dans at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Antero Hein
Elle Sofe Sara's piece VÁSTÁDUS EANA - THE ANSWER IS LAND is presented at ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM on 2 Jul 2022, 8 pm, in Helsinki /Tanssin talo - Erkko Hall (FI). Read more here. VÁSTÁDUS EANA- THE ANSWER IS LAND is a performance that thought dance and yoik reflects on the power of standing together and the awareness of the common ground and nature we stand on. Fellowship and kinship with the nature around us and the earth we live on are the main themes in VÁSTÁDUS EANA · THE ANSWER IS LAND by the Sami choreographer and artist Elle Sofe Sara. The Sami folk music yoik frames this work, and the seven female performers who participate in the performance are all renowned yoikers, dancers and singers. Here, the various art expressions are intertwined into a rarely powerful and beautiful experience. In collaboration with Davvi - Centre for performing arts, Sámi national theatre beaivváš. Co-producers Arctic arts festival, Norrlandsopraen. Production support from Arts Council Norway, The Sámi Parliament Norway, Nordic council of ministers, The audio and visual fund, Saami council, Dáiddafoanda, Spenn. For more info go here. VÁSTÁDUS EANA - THE ANSWER IS LAND is also shown at the festival Julidans in Amsterdam (NL) 15-16 Jul 2022. More info here.
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photo: Sjur Pollen
Carte Blanche´s latest performance MELLOMLAND is presented at ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM on 30 Jun 2022, 10:30 am, in Helsinki / Tanssin talo - Dance House Lobby (FI). MELLOMLAND is part of the More More More program. Read more here. MELLOMLAND is a double bill created by two up-and-coming choreographers for Carte Blanche's five and nine dancers. Choreographer Roza Moshtaghi explores how we can experience a story about waiting and expectations associated with being in this mysterious state. Enigmatic figures are dressed in costumes that borders on installations, making BUD’s scenic waiting room a strong visual experience. In SOVACO DE COBRA ("the snake’s armpit"), we are invited into a world where social rules must give way to the rules of a game. Using the angle of chess, choreographer Lander Patrick creates an energetic performance full of virtuosity, and sharp and crisp movements.
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photo: Søren Kjeldgaard
FOR EVER FOUR SEASONS will show at ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM on 1 Jul 2022, 3:45 pm, in Helsinki / Konepaja Vallila Stage (FI). More info here. FOR EVER FOUR SEASONS is a musical, choreographic, and existentialist work that insists on slowness as an act of resistance against a rapidly accelerating world. Inviting you to a sensuous experience, both pleasing and disturbing, we pose the fundamental question: What is mankind's role in the Anthropocene era? The dancers' conditions and emotional states are anchored to the newly composed works by the cello duo Soma & Lil and the composer as well as sound artist Kristian Hverring. In a slow but constant change, the staging, scenography, and light by Jon R. Skulberg invite the audience to a series of images of presence.
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photo: Märta Thisner
BamBam Frost's piece YES is presented at ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM on 30 Jun 2022, 3 pm, in Helsinki /Tanssin talo - Pannu Hall (FI). Read more here. YES is a cascade of pleasure, sadness, and dreams of possibilities. Morphing through a constant of what has been and what is. YES insists on fiction in the imagining of what could be and how to get there. YES works with the healing powers of water and the storm's revolutionary potential. Yes yes yes. This could be something. YES is soft, YES is dense, YES is tension and release, YES is too much and not enough. YES is BamBam Frost's second full-evening work, following her debut with SORRY in 2018. For more info go here. Production by Sara Bergsmark, Jessie McLaughlin (MDT), Nordberg Movement.Co production by MDT and Säfsten Produktion. Supported by Kulturrådet, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Stockholm Stad, and Life Long Burning – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe project (2018-2022) supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
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The second edition of BRÅDJUPA, presented by Dans i Blekinge and Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg, is closing in on us! In just three months, on 31 Aug-4 Sep 2022, the team behind the festival welcomes you to the BRÅDJUPA dance festival in Karlshamn, a small picturesque town on the south coast of Sweden. The program includes dance classes, morning swims, workshops, artist talks, film screenings, performances, residence showings, and late-night meets. Presented in the program amongst others are Cullberg/Alma Söderberg, Rani Nair, Rachel Tess, Benoît Lachambre, Frédéric Gies, Mari Carrasco, Malin Elgán, Tove Sahlin, Ellen Söderhult, Maria Naidu, Marcus Baldemar, and Gunilla Heilborn. BRÅDJUPA is characterized by a small intimate setting, engaging conversations, cold ocean water, close meetings between artists and audience, and by a warm welcoming vibe. The team behind BRÅDJUPA can’t wait to open up the doors of Lokstallarna in Karlshamn (SE). Let’s gather together, celebrate the dance field, its people, artistic processes and works, and enjoy the art of dance! Check out the entire program here. Book your ticket here. Find out more about Brådjupa, Blekinge Dance Festival at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Chrisander Brun
PARTITA NO.2 – SEI SOLO is a piece created in a collaboration between the violinist Jonathan Morton from Scottish Ensemble and choreographer Örjan Andersson. Within Sebastian Bach's piece ”Partita for violin no.2” the piece examines this historical document from the early 18th century with the help of five dancers and Jonathan Morton on stage.
The process of creating Partita focuses on the literature surrounding the original piece and the performance will present a diptych where the two entities music and text meet, these contrasts will become the base of the performance. The human constant ambition to try to explain music through the written word and the many written interpretations this has created will be the starting point for the second part of the piece. The historical literary material will be processed and morphed so that a new logic, meaning, and non-meaning will be created.
Co-production Andersson Dance, NorrlandsOperan & Dansens Hus. With support from the Swedish Arts Council/Kulturrådet, Stockholms Stad, and Region Stockholm. For full credits list and additional information - go here.
Performance dates: 4 Oct 2022, Västerås Konserthus, 6 Oct 2022, Uppsala Konsert & Kongress (SE), 8 Oct 2022, Kungsbacka teater (SE), 12 Oct 2022, Kulturhuset Tio14, Falun (SE).
Read more about Andersson Dance at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Anastasia Pajanen
After a fruitful spring filled with performances in Finland and abroad, Susanna Leinonen Company is going on a small summer break to recharge and find new talents to join the company. If you ever wanted to become part of the Finnish contemporary dance world, here’s your chance to join! Susanna Leinonen Company is hiring a director for the upcoming autumn production. Send your application before 19 Jun 2022 to info@susannaleinonen.com. Another unique chance to join SLC is for dancers and dance enthusiasts over 65 years old. This time the company is looking for Helsinki-based seniors to take part in the dance workshops that will begin this August at Leipätehdäs. Participation in the classes does not require a previous dance background. For more info contact esa@susannaleinonen.com. Upcoming shows: 16 Sep 2022, ROOTS, Aleksanterin teatteri, Helsinki (FI), 17 Sep 2022 NASTY, Aleksanterin teatteri, Helsinki (FI). Read more about Susanna Leinonen Company at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Søren Meisner
Italian choreographer Fabio Liberti's DON'T, KISS is a work in constant change. 2018 the piece premiered as a duet and has adopted several different formats since, from film to group work. When Liberti now brings DON'T, KISS to Skånes Dansteater, the next metamorphosis begins.
DON'T, KISS .SKÅNES explores the delicate and complex subject of human relations. A reflecting on our need for emotional and physical connection. The performance holds a physical challenge in which the dancers are connected lip to lip throughout the performance. Joint together, they navigate movement, flow, and control despite the demanding but voluntary intimacy. DON'T, KISS .SKÅNES is love, equality, and human contradiction in all its splendid complexity. More info here. Outdoor performance DON'T, KISS .SKÅNES premieres in Helsingborg (SE) 18 Jun 2022. The performance tours in the south of Sweden and to Copenhagen (DK) 18 Jun-17 Jul 2022.
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photo: Jose Figueroa
On 19 Jun 2022, Virpi Pahkinen and Pontus Sundset Granat will be dancing ICHOS together with live percussion by Mika Takehara at the roof terrace of Artipelag and in the nearby forest in conjunction with the sculptures by Tal R and Bigert and Bergström. Read more here. 3 Jul 2022 and 5 Jul 2022 Virpi Pahkinen will show her solo works to live koto-music by Chieko Moriat at TheaterX in Tokyo (JP). The theme for this year´s edition is ”the princess who loved insects”. More info here.
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photo: Diego Monsiváis
This summer Bobbi Lo Produktion is creating a site-specific piece in the landscape between logic and fantasy, REALI-TEA will premiere 2 Aug 2022 at Galleri CC in Malmö. The audience is taken on a journey away from reality into a world full of surrealism and events beyond logic. They will meet characters who challenge our perception of identity, cultural and social norms, and the idea of what is real, right, or wrong. Who is living in a fantasy world and who is not..? With inspiration from Alice in Wonderland and surrealism, REALI-TEA invites the audience into an alternative reality, one that can take unexpected twists and turns, all based upon the active participation and choices of the audience. A twisted tea party and flying books. Just like in Wonderland all rhyme and reason is turned upside down, and no one knows where the journey will end... Choreography by Lava Markusson. For more info, full credits list, and tickets go here. Learn more about Bobbi Lo Produktion at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Louise Herrche Serup
CRAWL CRAWL CRAWL is a staged choir piece with 12 singers, experienced from the edge of a swimming pool. In a physical study of water resonance, the singers float in weightless sequences while pondering on the paradoxes of a welfare state. CRAWL CRAWL CRAWL is a sensitivity analysis in the nature of inequality. A choreographic portrayal of the welfare state and its many flaws. The singers become a group searching for a common voice, insurgently longing for meaning. In their polyphonic strive, they uncover the imbalance that a class-based society creates.
The work is created by Convoi Exceptionnel and Jon R. Skulberg in close collaboration with composer Lil Lacy, dramaturge Astrid Hansen Holm, conductor Mathias Skaarup Sørensen, designer Kit Wan, and the vocal ensemble ENSEMBLE EDGE. For more info, credits and tickets go here.
Performances dates: 28-29 Jul 2022, PASSAGE festival, Helsingør (DK).
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photo: Nikola Stankovic.
Lee Brummer and cast conclude their two-week residency at Estrad Norr in Östersund (SE) for a studio showing of their current work SOMETHING TO DO, SOMEONE TO LOVE, SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO ON 18 Jun 2022. The project was selected for the international dance residency at Estrad Norr, with the support of the International Dance Program/The Swedish Arts Grants Committee. More information on the project and how to book your place at the sharing is available here. Israel Aloni, artistic director of ilDance, is looking for male professional dancers - self-identifying male - including trans masculine, male presenting, non-binary & sic male for their new production. Applicants must be aged 18 and up. The application deadline is 4 Sep 2022. Learn more about the call and apply here. Find out more about ilDance at madeintheweb.com
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The festival kicked off on 13 Jun 2022 with workshops that continue throughout the week. Evening events include Practice presentations by BamBam Frost, Liz Kinoshita, Alma Söderberg, and Andros Zins-Browne, ending in contemplative concerts by Eli Keszler (US) and Canilla (NO/DE). Sharing session and panel discussions with the topic "The Water", "The Singing" and "The Fiction", each with specifically chosen artists to discuss the topic and the full events hosted by the fabulous Samlingen. The festival ends with a bang on 18 Jun 2022 as tiran willemse performs trompoppies:blackmilk after which guests are invited to the nearby M/S Segelkronan to listen to performances by bas bleau (DJ), Golin (live), and Oli XL (DJ). So, come, take part, share, listen, watch and indulge yourself in the core of dance-making, and experience the practices themselves. Full program is available here. In 2022 Within Practice will be in conjunction with the final week of MDTs summer festival Lustholmen. Teaming up with Anrikningsverket to, for the first time ever, present a number of concerts as additional festival program.
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photo: The pIAR center
The Window Project presents the amazing and courageous artist and artivist Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi [crazinisT artisT] (pronouns: sHit, if not she) and the pIAR center, Ghana. Due to a proposed bill against LGTB+ in Ghana, Va-Bene and her center are in danger. Watch the video of Va-Bene performing as a protest on Accra-Kumasi Highway here. Read more about the work of Va-Bene and the pIAR studio here. Read an article on Reuters.com here. SU-EN Butoh Company started the Window Project in 2020 to share the company´s creative vision through dance videos or documented projects as well as guest artists and their work.A selection of SU-EN Butoh Company performances through stills and video is always available on the website. Find out more about SU-EN Butoh Company at madeintheweb.com
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paintings by: Nils Söderberg and Lou T Lundqvist
Korda Art in Motion Dance Company, in collaboration with Folk Teatern Dalarna, premieres a new theatre piece deep in the forest outside Falun in Dalarna (SE) on 14 Jun 2022, with performances until 22 Jun 2022. Also happening this summer: A collaboration with Sandvikens Konsthall (SE) and the art exhibition På Skogens sida Nils Söderberg (On the side of the forest Nils Söderberg) with the vernissage on 18 Jun 2022. The exhibition is open to the public until 31 Jul 2022. And another art exhibition at Matsesgården in Stigsbo (SE). The vernissage is on 3 Jul 2022. This exhibition runs until 28 Aug 2022, presenting artworks by Jill Höjeberg, Lou T Lundqvist, Riitta Tjörneryd, Håkan Blomkvist, Marieta Toneva, Massoud Hesso, Gunilla Löfgren, Lisa Persson Baagöe and Marie Noree. Find out more about Korda Art in Motion Dance Company at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Åsa Lieberath
The performance HISTORY OF SEXUALITY tours to theatre FÅR302 in Copenhagen (DK), 22-29 Jun 2022. HISTORY OF SEXUALITY is an interactive DIY performance about sex. In this queer and quirky performance, troublemakers and performance artists Andreas Constantinou and Annika B. Lewis shamelessly address the taboos and desires, the power and social grip that sex has over us all. Wearing anything from, well… nothing to rabbit-, bear- and cuddly sex monster costumes, they take you on a wild ride through their own histories of sexuality; a living archive in a simple do-it-yourself style, that encourages you to take back the power over your body and sexuality. Because sex sells. Sex rules. ” The performance opens up some good talks and reflections on the topic of sexuality, which for many may be associated with shame. ‘History of sexuality’ is a fresh, playful and liberating breath that encourages the audience to take ownership of their own narrative and their own sexuality.” - Scenekanten THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY is produced by Kassandra Production in collaboration with Bora Bora – dance and visual theatre, The Genderhouse Queer Arts Festival, Theatre FÅR302.Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Aarhus Kommunes Kulturudviklingspulje, Københavns Scenekunsudvalg, Ottarfonden. Sponsored by Lust.dk. Find out more about Kassandra Production at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Graham Adey
DELIGHTHOUSE AND THE DARK ROOM is created from different listening scores and somatic practises, unfolding a sonosphere that guides and holds the moving body. As a continuation of the "queer healing aerobics programme" / dance piece THE FISHINGDANCE & OTHER COSMIC CONFESSIONS, Sindri collaborates with composer Markus B. Almqvist and experiments further with audible dances, and how music and sound can be a primary source for choreography and the perception of dance. In DELIGHTHOUSE..., their collaboration extends into a broader process and a dialog with Sindri's text and songwriting blended with Markus's compositions and music production. The sonic methods and songs express both a performance narrative, as well as somatic dance practices Performances: 18-19 Jun 2022, Dansstationen, Malmö (SE).
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photo: Tina Axelsson
In the city choreography CITY HORSES by the artist duo Byström Källblad, a whole bunch of female dancers suddenly appear on the streets and squares, stomping and galloping through the city, a living monument in constant motion, celebrating female courage and power of all ages. CITY HORSES will tour to Prague, Roskilde, Figueres, Berlin, Stockholm, Barcelona, and Oslo this summer and autumn. In 2023, CITY HORSES will go to Amsterdam and Vilnius. CITY HORSES is selected for the tour program Big Pulse Dance Alliance, a major dance festival project, where 12 European dance festivals and institutions work together to promote, strengthen and broaden the reach of contemporary dance. Watch a presentation of CITY HORSES here. Tour dates: 18-19 jun 2022, International Dance Festival TANEC PRAHA/Big Pulse, Prague (CH), 28 Jun 2022, Roskilde Festival, Roskilde (DK), 2-3 Jul 2022, MOU Festival de dansa i moviment Figueres (ES), 6-7 Aug 2022, Tanz im August Berlin/Big Pulse (DE), 20-21 Aug 2022, Stockholm Kulturfestival/Big Pulse (SE), 15-16 Oct 2022, CODA Oslo International Dance Festival/Big Pulse (NO). Find out more about Byström Källblad at madeintheweb.com
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FOLLOW US  on Facebook & TwitterMADE IN the web www.madein-theweb.com is a website displaying Nordic performing arts intended for an international audience. MADE IN the web is an initiative created by Loco World with the intention to increase the visibility of Nordic performing arts. Loco World/MADEIN is an organization supported by the Swedish Arts Council for its international activities.
MADE IN the web Loco World, Järnvägsgatan 36, SE-131 54 Nacka, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)73 324 11 14, email:info@madein-theweb.com, internet: www.madein-theweb.com
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