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BRÅDJUPA / BLEKINGE DANCE FESTIVAL - A brand new dance festival in the south of Sweden
A brand new dance festival in Sweden showcasing new work as well as presenting the most experienced international artists in contemporary dance today, BRÅDJUPA, Blekinge Dance Festival is celebrating the possibility for us to meet again! The festival organizers are Dans i Blekinge and Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg, located in southern Sweden. During four intensive days 1-5 Sep 2021, the venue Lokstallarna in Karlshamn (SE) will be overloaded with dance! There will be dance classes, morning swims, workshops, artist talks, labs, film screenings, jams, panel talks, residence showings, guest performances and late-night meets. - We want to create a meeting place, a festival for art and ideas, a platform where contemporary dance can be experienced, discussed and enjoyed, in an intimate setting, in a well-secluded harbour in the very south of Sweden, say Åsa Edgren, Acting CEO Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg and Rebecca Yates, President Dans i Blekinge. Presented in the program amongst others are Cullberg, Alma Söderberg, Gunilla Heilborn, Stina Nyberg, Linda Blomqvist and Meg Stuart. Check out the entire program here. BRÅDJUPA takes place 1-5 Sep 2021. Tickets will be released on 6 Aug 2021 on www.bradjupa.se. Find out more about Brådjupa, Blekinge Dance Festival at madeintheweb.com
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TERO SAARINEN COMPANY - TRANSIT at Helsinki Festival 2021
photo: Carl Thorborg
Choreographer Tero Saarinen's TRANSIT will have its Finnish premiere during Helsinki Festival's opening weekend on 19–21 Aug 2021. Set to Stonework (2015), Drifts (2016–17) and Water Atlas (2018) by composer Sebastian Fagerlund, the new large-scale creation examines our relationship with nature. Fagerlund's trilogy is combined with the spatial sound design of Tuomas Norvio, known for his imaginative work in electronic music. The stage design centres on an animated film installation by visual artist duo IC-98 together with lighting design by Minna Tiikkainen and costumes by Teemu Muurimäki. At Helsinki Festival, the creation is interpreted by thirteen dancers. TRANSIT was created as a Nordic co-production with Skånes Dansteater. The premiere took place at Malmö Opera (SE) in 2020. Sustainable, resource-efficient solutions encompass the entire production, as costumes and stage design, based in part on recycled materials, are shared between TSC and SDT for future performances. Learn more about Tero Saarinen Company at madeintheweb.com
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photo: Erik Berg
SEVEN DUETS reflects on the duet as a concept to examine variations of both tenderness, conflict and helplessness between two people. The dancerly duet is a returning trope in Ingun Bjørnsgaard's work, explored in a way that opposes seamless interaction to depict the complexity of human intimacy in its both wavering and alluring forms and fragments of movement. SEVEN DUETS brings together alienation and longing for life in a choreographic language that opens up to the viewer's own narrative. In a first time collaboration with award-winning fashion designer Michael Olestad as costume designer. Premiere: Wednesday 16 June 2021, Bærum Kulturhus, Sandvika (NO). More info and tickets here. Co-produced with Bærum Kulturhus. The anthology Through Choreography takes a closer look at key elements of Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt's aesthetics, methods and circuit of motives, characterized by the close collaboration between the choreographer, the dancers and composers. Through seven essays and conversations, the anthology wishes to contribute to reflection within a live artistic practice. The book is richly illustrated by photographers who have followed the Ingun Bjørnsgaard Projekt since its establishment in the early 1990s. The book is in both Norwegian and English. Order here. Read more about Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt at madeintheweb.com
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CLAIRE PARSONS CO. - On a summer festival tour with YELLOW
photo: Christian Farcher
The prestigious Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award was this year choreographed by choreographer Claire Parsons and can be seen digitally at alma.se. The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award was created in 2002 by the Swedish government to promote every child’s right to great stories. With a prize of five million Swedish kronor, it is the largest award of its kind. YELLOW is a luscious piece performed outdoors. YELLOW will premiere a 30-minute version on 15 June 2021 at Malmö Summer Stage (SE) with performances all week in Malmö and touring in Örebro (SE), Växjö (SE) and more. LITTLE SWAN LAKE is a different look at swans for young audiences. Join Claire Parsons Co. and The Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm (SE) in a collaboration with a streamed version of this poetic and enticing take on the classic - now available in digital form here. Read more about Claire Parsons Co. at madeintheweb.com
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ILDANCE - World premiere and Swedish tour of SELF CONTAINED
photo: ilDance
ilDance's junior dance company, ilYoung, will premiere a new work SELF CONTAINED by Israel Aloni at Glashuset in Gislaved on 13 Aug 2021. SELF CONTAINED explores the relations of human individuals to space and community through the physical body. It examines how the physical body impacts the way in which humans experience the world.
Performed by eight emerging dance artists the piece challenges the status of the human body in current discourses in Western societies. SELF CONTAINED will tour across Sweden 29 Aug-12 Sep 2021. For more information go here. Find out more about ilDance at madeintheweb.com
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WELD COMPANY - On tour again!
photo: Thomas Zamolo
Weld Company is touring to Helsinki and the Moving In November festival (Now in June) with the choreography TRIBUTE by Frédéric Gies. This time with TRIBUTE- THE OUTDOORS VERSION playing at the Tapiola Amphitheatre 19 June 2021. Weld Company is touring to ImPulsTanz —Vienna International Dance Festival with the choreography TRIBUTE by Frédéric Gies. Odeon Theatre 21-23 July 2021. Find out more about Weld Company at madeintheweb.com
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After two postponements, we are finally ready for the streaming of REALNESS! A full-length performance, REALNESS is created in collaboration with the film company M12, using advanced camera equipment to create a vivid and artistic encounter between stage art and film. REALNESS is a sarcastic parody by the internationally renowned choreographer Daniel Proietto. Playing with the format of reality TV competition shows, REALNESS forces us to look beyond the extravagant facade and confront our own prejudices and decadence. REALNESS blends elements of dance, drama, comedy and film. The talented dancers from NSP 2 display a wide range of movements, expressions, emotions and personalities in the personification of 7 colourful contestants: The Wannabes. REALNESS also features a number of high-profile performers, including Mimi Devine, Niklas Gundersen, SilyaNymoen, GuroNagelhusSchia, VebjørnSundby and Alan Lucien Øyen. The show is available in Norway only. Click here to purchase tickets. Read more about Nagelhus Schia Productions at madeintheweb.com
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Photo: Convoi Exceptionnel
The piece is created in collaboration with Hongkong based dance artist Wayson Poon and Danish artist Maiken Bent among others. For the gymnasium, an exhibition and acoustic, choreographic performance are combined into one work. The company Convoi Exceptionnel is looking forward to inviting peers and audiences to the premiere in Denmark. Read more here. Live performance dates: PASSAGE FESTIVAL, Elsinore, Denmark: 29 July-31 July 3, 2021Dansehallerne, Copenhagen, Denmark: 5 Aug - 8 Aug, 2021Find out more about Convoi Exceptionnel at madeintheweb.com
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FOLLOW US  on Facebook & TwitterMADE IN the web www.madein-theweb.com is a website displaying Nordic performing arts intended for an international audience. MADE IN the web is an initiative created by Loco World with the intention to increase the visibility of Nordic performing arts. Loco World/MADEIN is an organisation supported by the Swedish Arts Council for its international activities.
MADE IN the web Loco World, Järnvägsgatan 36, SE-131 54 Nacka, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)73 324 11 14, email:info@madein-theweb.com, internet: www.madein-theweb.com