photo: Kalle Saarela
The new Festival Director of Kuopio Dance Festival is Johanna Rajamäki. Johanna has extensive experience in the international dance scene. For the past 8 years she has worked as Head of International Relations at Tero Saarinen Company (FI) and before returning to Finland she worked as an agent at IMG Artists in London, bringing mainly American dance companies to Europe. Johanna Rajamäki will start her post in Kuopio on 2 Aug 2021. - I am really pleased and excited about this unique opportunity to work at Kuopio Dance Festival and contribute to the Finnish dance scene following my years of focusing on export, says Johanna Rajamäki. Kuopio Dance Festival 2021 will be held during autumn. The festival board has made the decision to postpone the traditional June festival week in 2021. The plan is to start the season in August presenting both domestic and international artist. The program will be spread during autumn given that the pandemic so allows. Read more here.
photo:Daniel Hofer
Isa Köhler and Katharina Kucher will jointly take over the management of the internationale tanzmesse nrw for the editions 2022 and 2024. As a team they have already gained experience with major international festivals at Tanz im August in Berlin, organised by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. - We are looking forward to the task of jointly expanding the Tanzmesse as a central place for new collaborations and making outstanding artistic ideas visible, say Isa Köhler and Katharina Kucher.
- We want to make this possible by strengthening the conference character as well as by opening up new spaces, including digital ones.The 14th edition of the largest international networking platform for contemporary dance will take place in Düsseldorf from 31 Aug-3 Sep 2022. More info here.
ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE 2022 - Presenting cutting-edge Nordic contemporary dance
Helsinki (FI) will host the next Ice Hot Nordic Dance platform 9-13 Feb 2022. Ice Hot Nordic Dance Platform is an event presenting both emerging and established names of Nordic contemporary dance and choreography to presenters, programmers and other professionals from all over the world. Ice Hot Nordic Dance is a collaboration network of partner organizations in five Nordic countries: Dance Info Finland, Dansehallerne (DK), Dansens Hus Oslo (NO), Dansens Hus Stockholm (SE) and Ice Hot Reykjavik (IS). An OPEN CALL is currently underway aimed at dance artists who want to participate in Ice Hot's artistic program. To be able to apply, you must work or receive support from a Nordic country. The last day to apply is 19 April 2021 at 3 pm. More info here.
NORRDANS - Swedish dance company in full spring bloom
photo: Chrisander Brun
Winter is done and Norrdans invites you to a picnic with dance and greetings of spring hope and future! Limited audiences in groups of eight now have the chance to be swept along and away in a wonderful spring breeze signed Norrdans in collaboration with costume designer Tove Berglund. In VÅR VÅR! (Spring Spring!) the encounter is the centerpiece. Interactions of joy, dance, conversations and maybe a poem or two. VÅR VÅR! will be enjoyed in parks and gardens, at the beach or why not the roadside rest area. Like the acclaimed concept NORRDANS TAKE AWAY, the company brings dance from stage and out to the citizens. VÅR VÅR! can be adapted in different constellations, solos, duets and sometimes with three dancers. Touring in the north of Sweden May 2021. Find out more about Norrdans at madeintheweb.com
photo: Annika Ostwald
THE AMERICAN MOTH is a hybrid, multi-medial performance combining dance, theatre in multiple languages and cinematic live video. Watch a teaser here. Featuring an extraordinary cast, including the legendary Liv Ullman, THE AMERICAN MOTH is a poetic exploration of the sympathies and resentments at play in inter-generational relationships – what's loved and what's lost, experience, memory, time. But leaping between hearts from old to young and back again, love is never alone, fear leaps alongside it. Undeniably influenced by the ongoing global pandemic – THE AMERICAN MOTH reveals a series of personal stories in a stripped-down, confessional format. Amid the lies and labours of an increasingly confused world, an ancient demon grows stronger. A shared anxiety, while causing us to huddle together, threatens to tear us apart. Direction/Choreography by Alan Lucien Øyen. The text and choreography is developed collaboration with the performers. World premiere 26 May 2021 at the Bergen International Festival. For more credits look here. Co-production with The Kennedy Center For Peforming Arts, Washington D.C., The National Theatre and Concert Hall, Taipei, The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, Oslo (NO), The Bergen International Festival (NO) and International Theatre Amsterdam (NL). Learn more about Alan Lucien Øyen / winter guests at madeintheweb.com
photo: Erik Berg
SEVEN DUETS reflects on the duet as a concept to examine variations of both tenderness, conflict and helplessness between two people.The dancerly duet is a returning trope in Ingun Bjørnsgaard's work, explored in a way that opposes seamless interaction to depict the complexity of human intimacy in its both wavering and alluring forms and fragments of movement. The performance embraces the melancholy agony and illnesses derived from a painterly fin de siècle ambiance, from which also Edvard Munch's female bird of prey, Harpy, emerges.SEVEN DUETS brings together alienation and longing for life in a choreographic language that opens up to the viewer's own narrative. In a first time collaboration with award winning fashion designer Michael Olestad as costume designer. Co-produced with Bærum Kulturhus. Premiere 16 June 2021 at Bærum Kulturhus, Sandvika (NO). Read more about Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt at madeintheweb.com
H2DANCE - Fest en Fest LAB online 6 April - 4 May 2021
design: Kaisa Lassinaro
Fest en Fest – LAB and H2DANCE invite Björn Säfsten (SE), Stina Nyberg (SE), Ingri Midgard Fiksdal (NO), Sonya Lindfors (FI), SERAFINE1369 (UK), Malik Nashad Sharpe (UK), Kate Marsh (UK) and Emilyn Claid (UK) to share their choreographic approaches and methodologies through a variety of formats such as interviews, lectures, scores, books and conversations with the public. Each artist is paired with another and invited to discuss a topic that concerns them and to think together about how to broaden the potential of the choreographic. Fest en Fest – LAB seeks to open up for and sharing of new choreographic knowledges, structures, tools and strategies. Fest en Fest – LAB is curated by Hanna Gillgren and Heidi Rustgaard, the duo behind H2DANCE working between Norway, Sweden and the UK since 1999: - We are really looking forward to launching the first Fest en Fest LAB for expanded choreographic practice. The LAB will be running alongside the performance festival alternate year, and is a dedicated space for artists to come together and share new choreographic knowledge and strategies.Program and booking here. Follow Fest en Fest - LAB on Facebook here. Find out more about H2DANCE at madeintheweb.com
TANELI TÖRMÄ / LOCATION X - Researching the new work SURVIVORS
photo: Jakob Stage
Taneli Törmä - LOCATION X is researching his upcoming performance called SURVIVORS. Bora Bora residency center has organized a 2-weeks residency in Teater Svalegangen in Århus (DK) in April and The Development Platform for the Performing Arts has organized a 1-week residency in Kulturhuset Indreby in Copenhagen (DK) in May for LOCATION X. SURVIVORS is a choreography for two actors Anna Lipponen (FIN) and Troels Hagen Findsen (DK). The project wants to build a bridge for dance and theater-makers. Questioning them and seeking equality in which both parties are challenged, hoping to find a form in which movement and text support each other without concession. SURVIVORS is a collaboration between Taneli Törmä - LOCATION X (DK) and Studio Total theatre company (FIN). The premiere will happen in Teater Får 302, Copenhagen (DK) on 5-9 Oct 2021.Read more about Taneli Törmä - LOCATION X at madeintheweb.com
CLAIRE PARSONS CO. - Filming, rehearsing, choreographing and performing
photo: Sören Vilks
Claire Parsons Co. is filming at The Dance Museum in Stockholm - creating a spirited tribute to the Paris cultural scene of the 1920's and exploring the imprint of the iconic Swedish Ballett/Svenska Baletten active during five explosive and creative years 1920-1925. LITTLE SWAN LAKE is now available in digital form at www.dramaten.se. LITTLE SWAN LAKE is a different look at swans for young audiences. A dance and circus performance of Swan Lake - here a new version. Join Claire Parsons Co. for A Royal Dramatic Theater streaming of this poetic and enticing take on the classic which will take place from April - June 2021. Watch here. Claire Parsons Co. is choreographing for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award in May as well as rehearsing YELLOW, the newest show for the outdoors and public spaces. SOON SWOON for audiences from 9 and up will perform in Vällingby (SE) 26-29 April 2021. Read more about Claire Parsons Co. at madeintheweb.com
GUNILLA HEILBORN - Recommending two films
photo: Mårten Nilsson
The Swedish choreographer Gunilla Heilborn has transformed her stage production MONUMENT into a filmed version with the title MONUMENT VÄXJÖ. The one hour show is now a 24 minute film with Kristiina Viiala and Lorenz Kabas and a corona-safe choir of three people. Ranging from the very, very big sculptures of fruits in Australia to a remake of a forgotten comedy by Aristophanes, the film peeks into different questions concerning monuments. For those of you who understand Swedish, check out the film version of the stage production MONUMENT here. Or watch this little black and white gem made by Mårten Nilsson from found footage from rehearsals of POTATO COUNTRY here. POTATO COUNTRY premiered at Dansens Hus in Stockholm (SE) 2007 and has been shown in USA, Germany, Belarus, Finland, Austria and other countries. Read more about Gunilla Heilborn at madeintheweb.com
STINA NYBERG - Inviting you to a release of a short film and a publication
photo: Jose Figueroa
Welcome to a combined release of a short film adaptation and publication made in relation to the Swedish choreographer Stina Nyberg's work MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES on 24 April 2021 at 8pm! MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES is a series of dances developed through movements between Stockholm and New York. Ditching a "neither/nor" in favour of a "yes/and", MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINEs is a dance of constant change. Saying yes to both the habitual and the unknown it samples the dance history of a cross-generational cast of dancers and merges them into new forms. If each moment is a possible future, why not catch them all? Choreography by Stina Nyberg. More credits here. Made possible with support from The Swedish Arts Council, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Stockholm stad. Visit www.mdtsthlm.se for more information about MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES and Stina Nyberg.
photo: Anders Larsson
The premiere of the film CHECKING OUT will be at the international short dance film festival Bodyscope Film Festival 2021 in Moscow (RU) 14-21 April 2021. CHECKING OUT is a surrealistic detective story, placed in a hotel, where the psychological weights and behaviours of the guests and employees, make them all suspected of a crime, which is being investigated by a detective, who actually is searching for the meaning of life. Former guests from centuries ago are watching with unexpected powers. Director, writer and choreographer is Charlotta Öfverholm. Cinematopgraphy and edit by Anders Larsson. More information here. Watch a trailer here. "You can check out at anytime, but you can never leave"Read more about Charlotta Öfverholm / Age on Stage at madeintheweb.com
SHAKE IT COLLABORATIONS - Streaming SOS live and on demand
photo: David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo
The performance SOS – STORMAR OCH STRÖMAVBROTT (Storms And Power Outages) for middle school children and their adults is about dealing with worries about the unpredictable future. Shake it Collaborations invites you to a magical, yet real room filled with music, dance and flying scenography. We celebrate perseverance, strength and patience and let the ongoing climate crisis activate us! The performance is streamed online 17 and 18 April 2021 at 4 PM. The streaming begins with an introduction, followed by the performance, after which there will be a meeting with the artists. On 17 April 2021 the introduction and postperformance talk is led by dancer Destiny Af Kleen and on 18 April 2021 by musician Stina Hellberg Agback. Shake it Collaborations and choreographer Tove Sahlin work in a hybrid form between movement, words, music and objects and creates distinctive works, always with a socially critical undertone, warmth, and humour. In SOS – STORMAR OCH STRÖMAVBROTT musicians Stina Hellberg Agback and Leo Svensson Sander who constitutes the duo NAMNA, meet the two dancers, Destiny by Kleen and Andrea Aja Svensson. For more credits go here. You can watch SOS STORMAR OCH STRÖMAVBROTT either live or on demand. Get your ticket here. Made possible with support by the Swedish Arts Council and Stockholms Stad. Read more about Shake it Collaborations at madeintheweb.com
NORDBERG MOVEMENT - 45 minutes of dance every Friday morning!
Nordberg Movement continues with four Friday sessions of 45 MINUTES OF DANCE until 14 May 2021! This Friday 16 April 2021 Nordberg Movement presents the ninth episode of 45 MINUTES OF DANCE and is delighted to present Destiny af Kleen, dancer and choreographer and artistic director of DansPlats Skog, Stråtjära (SE), for our interview of the week, and Lene Bang Henningsen, Creative Producer / Relations Manager, Lene Bang Org., Copenhagen (DK), for our memory of the week! We end up with a conversation amongst the invited! 45 MINUTES OF DANCE is a virtual space to which you simply tune in, turn off your camera and enjoy from your space of choice. Date: 16 April 2021. Time: 09.15 - 10.00 am Stockholm time. Join through this link!
ART OF SPECTRA - Filming the new work RUM 444
photo: Fredrik Altinell
Art of Spectra has just finished filming the new work RUM 444. The digital performance will be released later this year, produced by Barbacka STHLM. Choreography, direction and music by Peter Svenzon, artistic director of Art och Spectra. Director of photography is Joakim Envik Karlsson. Art of Spectra are Artist in recidence in Borås (SE) throughout May and creates the new work INNER FIELDS. INNER FIELDS premieres during Borås Art Biennal at Textile Fashion Center 2 June 2021. Art of Spectra is invited to show the work TENSION at the Gdansk Dance Festival (PL). The festival runs from 20-29 Aug 2021 and this year's festival ends with the performance TENSION by Art of Spectra. Read more about Art of Spectra at madeintheweb.com
TERO SAARINEN COMPANY - Working group chosen for TSC Sound Residency in 2021
photo: Tero Ahonen
Hägglund Viipuri Kollektiivi was chosen for the first Sound Residency in June-July 2021. Iida Hägglund and Maija Viipuri will focus on the bodily experiences of spatial sound design and moving sounds, while working towards a staged performance dealing with the experiences of girl and womanhood. TSC Sound Residencies and TSC Studio's immersive audio system are made possible by Genelec. 62 working groups applied for TSC Residencies during the first two open calls in winter 2020–2021. A total of three groups were chosen, each getting two free weeks at TSC Studio in Helsinki in 2021. Learn more about Tero Saarinen Company at madeintheweb.com
NAGELHUS SCHIA PRODUCTIONS - Choreographer's residency – call for applications
Photo:Anne-Sylvie Bonnet
Nagelhus Schia Productions has the pleasure of announcing the second choreographer’s residency in Studio NSP. The residency will take place in week 40 and 41 2021, giving a professional choreographer the opportunity to work with the young dancers in NSP 2. The candidate will receive a NOK 20 000 grantand accommodation if necessary. Norwegian choreographers and international choreographers living and working in Norway are welcome to apply. Application deadline: 1 June 2021. Visit the website for more information. Read more about Nagelhus Schia Productions at madeintheweb.com
BAMBAM FROST - YES is opening at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen in May
photo: Märta Thisner
YES by BamBam Frost and team is opening at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen (DK) 7-8 May 2021, with planned performances at MDT in Stockholm (SE) 12-13 May 2021 and Arsenic, Lausanne (CH) 24-27 June 2021. Additionally, BamBam Frost will be featured digitally in La MaMa Moves, La MaMa, New York, 18 May 2021 at 7pm EDT through www.lamama.org. A physical invitation to Tanzquartier Wien, Austria has due to Covid-19 been turned into a digital presentation, taking place 29 May 2021 at 7.30 PM through www.tqw.at. YES is a cascade of pleasure, sadness and dreams of possibilities. Morphing through a constant of what has been and what is. YES insists on fiction as a compass in the imagining of where we want to be. YES is BamBam Frost’s second work, following her debut with SORRY in 2018. It’s almost a solo, we call it solo with a guest. More info here.
All the best from the team at MADEIN-THEWEB.COM and all our joint members. |
FOLLOW US  on Facebook & TwitterMADE IN the web www.madein-theweb.com is a website displaying Nordic performing arts intended for an international audience. MADE IN the web is an initiative created by Loco World with the intention to increase the visibility for Nordic performing arts. Loco World/MADEIN is an organisation supporten by the Swedish Arts Counsil for its international activities.
MADE IN the web Loco World, Järnvägsgatan 36, SE-131 54 Nacka, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)73 324 11 14, email:info@madein-theweb.com, internet: www.madein-theweb.com