JO STRØMGREN KOMPANI - Performing at The Norwegian Opera and Ballet in February
photo: Knut Bry
Jo Strømgren Kompani is leaving a challenging year behind, but still feel grateful for all artists involved in their JSK Corona Sessions who dared to express themselves in a risky, but yet rewarding project in 2020. Here you can see a selection of some of the sessions! This spring JSK will be performing THERE at The Norwegian Opera and Ballet 25-28 Feb 2021. THE TIRED MAN will be going on a new extensive school tour in Southern Norway. A DANCE TRIBUTE TO THE ART OF FOOTBALL continues to play 24 years after the premiere in 1997! This time we will be visiting Northern-Norway in March and April. THE DOOR – our international co-production with The National Theater of Lithuania will be performed in Kaunas in May. JSK will also be holding workshops for young talents as a part of Nagelhus Schia Productions NSP2, and for professional dancers and teachers at Dansart in Turku, Finland. JSK are working towards two new productions, one premiering in June 2021 and the other in 2022. Stay tuned! Find out more about Jo Strømgren Kompani at madeintheweb.com
VIRPI PAHKINEN - New performance BLACK RAINBOW tours Sweden
photo: Jose Figueroa
Virpi Pahkinen and an ensemble of six dancers go to nine Swedish cities as the brand new piece BLACK RAINBOW goes on tour with Dancenet Sweden this spring. The world premiere was held under the circumstances of the pandemic for only a handful of spectators and one journalist 18 Nov 2020 Dansens Hus big stage, Stockholm (SE). BLACK RAINBOW takes the audience on a night dive into Virpi Pahkinen´s poetic dance world. A black liquid mirror with many possibilities of the human body. The beauty of transformation. A high-spirited stretch for imagination. This is a choreography with old soul wisdom, still it is entertaining and edgy, a fresh dialogue with the unknown, hopefull and bathing in the paradoxical luminescence, that of a black rainbow. “Yes we are in Virpi land: musical, mystical and saturated with a beauty that tends to the sacral. Few dance artists have such a finely chiselled signature and stage persona, nor such integrity.” Svenska Dagbladet (SE) The tour premier will be on 11 March 2021 at Jönköping Teater and the performance will go on to the cities of Falun, Vara, Göteborg, Gävle, Linköping, Karlshamn, Växjö, and finally Örebro (SE). Find out more about Virpi Pahkinen at madeintheweb.com
Photo:Anne-Sylvie Bonnet
Nagelhus Schia Productions is streaming their latest performance REALNESS 3 and 4 February 2021. This is the first time NSP is streaming a full performance. In collaboration with the film company M12, advanced camera equipment is used to create a vivid and artistic encounter between stage art and film. REALNESS is a sarcastic parody by the internationally renowned choreographer Daniel Proietto. Playing with the format of reality TV competition shows, REALNESS forces us to look beyond the extravagant facade and confront our own prejudices and decadence. REALNESS blends elements of dance, drama, comedy and film. The talented dancers from NSP 2 display a wide range of movements, expressions, emotions and personalities in the personification of 7 colourful contestants: The Wannabes. REALNESS also features a number of high-profile performers, including Mimi Devine, Niklas Gundersen, SilyaNymoen, GuroNagelhusSchia, VebjørnSundby and Alan Lucien Øyen. Click here to go to the streaming. Stay tuned by following the company on Facebook or visit the website nsproductions.no. Read more about Nagelhus Schia Productions at madeintheweb.com
NORDBERG MOVEMENT - 45 minutes of dance every Friday morning!
On 5 Feb 2021 Nordberg Movement kicks off 45 MINUTES OF DANCE, streamed live every Friday morning 9.15-10.00 Stockholm time and available to view for a week after the live event! Each session includes an interview with the guest of the week about their current undertakings, one segment surrounding shared memories of forgotten dances, performances and experiences and concludes with the question of the week, an open talk with the assembled. Nordberg Movement will invite local, national and international guest to share, discuss and move us! More info close to the first edition on Facebook through this link!
INGUN BJØRNSGAARD PROSJEKT - Presenting the new piece SEVEN DUETS in March
photo: Erik Berg
SEVEN DUETS premieres at Bærum Kulturhus (NO) 11-13 March 2021. SEVEN DUETS reflects on the duet as a concept to examine variations of both tenderness, conflict and helplessness between two people. The dancerly duet is a returning trope in Ingun Bjørnsgaard's work, explored in a way that opposes seamless interaction to depict the complexity of human intimacy in its both wavering and alluring forms and fragments of movement. SEVEN DUETS brings together alienation and longing for life in a choreographic language that opens up to the viewer's own narrative. The performance embraces the melancholy agony and illnesses derived from a painterly fin de siècle ambiance, from which also Edvard Munch's female bird of prey, Harpy, emerges. In a first time collaboration with award winning fashion designer Michael Olestad as costume designer.Co-produced with Bærum Kulturhus. Learn more about Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt at madeintheweb.com
photo: Anders J. Larsson
The film CHECKING OUT by Choreographer Charlotta Öfverholm and director Anders J. Larsson will have its world premiere 24 Feb 2021 at Dalateatern in Falun (SE). The film CHECKING OUT is a recreation of Öfverholm's strongly visual stage production PROSTHESIS with 11 mature performers between 40-81 years old. A surrealistic detective story, placed in a hotel, where the psychological weights and behaviours of the guests and employees, make them all suspected of a crime, which is being investigated by a detective, who actually is searching for the meaning of life. Former guests from centuries ago are watching with unexpected powers. Watch a trailer here. "You can check out at anytime, but you can never leave..."Find out more about Charlotta Öfverholm at madeintheweb.com
BJÖRN SÄFSTEN - A new work is in creation
photo: Klara G
An autobiographical and arbitrarily omniscient performance about something everybody does, but nobody can define: Dance! Where do the movements in contemporary dance originate from? How can they be interpreted and understood? Do dance movements communicate meaning, like a kind of sign language? Why is dance perceived as self-centered? And how can we relate dance to our surrounding world, the artist's, and/or our own contexts? This matter of what defines dance is naturally very broad, and therefore impossible to exhaust in an hour. It is however possible to touch on and give some insight into the questions communicated by the viewers. The performance does not attempt to give any absolute answers. I SJÄLVA VERKET rather works with the topics, thoughts, and questions raised by the audience. Some answers will be vocalized, others will be communicated through dance. Some might be questioned, others will be left unresolved. Nevertheless, many subjects will be covered. The audience will hopefully leave with both body and mind inspired, and with new reflections on the interesting field that is contemporary dance. The work is currently in creation and will hopefully reach audiences this spring in Sweden. Co-production between Säfsten Produktion and Riksteatern. Read more about I SJÄLVA VERKET here. .Find out more about Björn Säfsten at madeintheweb.com
photo: Jens Peter Engedal
THE SOUL CATCHER is shown in a live streaming presentation with parts from the performance at Det Frie Felts Festival in Copenhagen (DK) on 20 Jan 2021 4-6pm. THE SOUL CATCHER is a seductive and deeply disturbing performance about psychological abuse, manipulation and power - in a powerful mix of performance, dance, spoken word and electronic music. THE SOUL CATCHER is produced by Kassandra Production in a co-production with theatre Bora Bora. Idea and direction by Annika B. Lewis. The press wrote: "As an audience, it's like a ride in a roller coaster. Huge experience and mood fluctuations. From joy to discomfort. From comedy to seduction. From chaos to laughter. From safety to confusion. All in a total jumble that can change over time, down to a few minutes, or just seconds! Like the psychopath's actions and appearances, this performance is extremely unpredictable and strikes at the same time a powerful contemporary beat to enlighten and prevent the encounter with a psychopath. Watch out!” - XQ28 (DK) Learn more about Kassandra Production at madeintheweb.com
CARTE BLANCHE - Presenting SOLIDS by Pedro Gómez-Egaña
illustration: Pedro Gómez-Egaña
In February, Carte Blanche brings to life an immersive installation built and choreographed by the visual artist Pedro Gómez-Egaña and presented at the KODE museum's Tårnsalen in Bergen as part of a large scale solo presentation by the artist. The company's 14 dancers perform in a hybrid between performance, visual art and dance. Premiere 18 Feb 2020. Ticket tickets will be on sale from January 18th. For more info about SOLIDS, look here. The Norwegian tour is still on and Carte Blanche will visit the following venues in January and February: 21 Jan 2021 Hamar Kulturhus, Hamar, 26 jan 2021 Teatret Vårt, Molde, 29 Jan 2021 Kimen kulturhus, Stjørdal, 4 Feb 2021 Sandnes kulturhus, Sandnes, 9 Feb 2021 Festiviteten, Haugesund – tickets: carteblanche.no & the websites of the venues. Find out more about Carte Blanche at madeintheweb.com
CLAIRE PARSONS CO. - Reviving and preparing
photo: Thomas Hultgren
Claire Parsons Co. is reviving cultural engines and visions preparing touring, filming and streaming company works. The new outdoor production YELLOW, is a delightful mix of movement and delicious music where 3 performers meet some yellow companions. The company is reviving a take on the classic with A SMALLER SWAN LAKE at The Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm (SE), and premiering I AM THINKING ABOUT at The Dance Museum in Stockholm (SE), a personal tribute to the iconic Svenska Baletten/The Swedish Ballet that provoked and delighted the Paris cultural scene of the 1920's. Claire Parsons Co. is eagerly awaiting culture, performances and the arts to once again be part of our lives. Read more about Claire Parsons Co. at madeintheweb.com
SHAKE IT COLLABORATIONS / NAMNA - Dealing with worries about the unpredictable future
photo: INemo Stocklassa Hindders
The performance SOS – STORMAR OCH STRÖMAVBROTT (Storms And Power Outages) for middle school children and their adults is about dealing with worries about the unpredictable future. Shake it Collaborations invites you to a magical, yet real room filled with music, dance and flying scenography. We celebrate perseverance, strength and patience and let the ongoing climate crisis activate us. We embrace this crisis, we're ready to confront it, we're prepared! Choreographer Tove Sahlin, artistic director of Shake it Collaborations, work in a hybrid form between movement, words, music and objects. She creates distinctive works, always with a socially critical undertone, warmth, and humour. In SOS – STORMAR OCH STRÖMAVBROTT musicians Stina Hellberg Agback and Leo Svensson Sander who constitutes the duo NAMNA, meet two of our foremost dancers, Destiny by Kleen and Aja Svensson. This work will hopefully be presented to a limited live audience and also be available as a streamed version during February 2021. Co-production between Shake it Collaborations, NorrlandsOperan and aliasTEATERN. Made possible with support by the Swedish Arts Council and Stockholms Stad. Read more about Shake it Collaborations at madeintheweb.com
TERO SAARINEN COMPANY - Online Morning Classes continue and TSC Sound residency applications
photo: Tanja Ahola
TERO Technique Online Morning Classes for Professionals continue on 26 Jan 2021 and run till 11 Feb 2021 (Tuesday and Thursday mornings) 9-10 am Helsinki time. The digital classes are taught live via zoom from TSC Studio in Helsinki by David Scarantino. Watch intro video and find registration info here. TSC's Sound residency is now open for applications. TSC Studio is equipped with a unique audio system made possible by Genelec and also acts as a laboratory for sound design of the highest level. Therefore, one of the residencies each year is dedicated especially for work focusing on the relationship between sound and movement. In TSC's sound residencies, the artists are able to utilise TSC Studio's immersive sound system in its entirety. Application deadline is on 2 Feb 2021. More information including application details can be found here. Learn more about Tero Saarinen Company at madeintheweb.com
CONVOI EXCEPTIONNEL - Looking forward to the new year!
photo: Convoi Exceptionell
After what must have been a trying year for all, Convoi Exceptionnel is looking forward to the new year! The year 2021 will be the beginning of a new process for artistic director Jon R. Skulberg. He was selected by the Danish Arts Foundation as part of The Young Artistic Elite, which is a 2-year program focusing on artistic development through mentorship, collaborations and research nationally and international. Jon R. Skulberg will develop strategies for staged exhibition environments with a sensory based gaze, focusing on how meaning is produced when physical bodies move through a narrative space. Christina Back, curator and head of exhibitions at The Royal Danish Library/The Black Diamond, will be his mentor.
Find out more about Convoi Exceptionnel at madeintheweb.com
All the best from the team at MADEIN-THEWEB.COM and all our joint members. |
FOLLOW US  on Facebook & TwitterMADE IN the web www.madein-theweb.com is a website displaying Nordic performing arts intended for an international audience. MADE IN the web is an initiative created by Loco World with the intention to increase the visibility for Nordic performing arts. Loco World/MADEIN is an organisation supporten by the Swedish Arts Counsil for its international activities.
MADE IN the web Loco World, Järnvägsgatan 36, SE-131 54 Nacka, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)73 324 11 14, email:info@madein-theweb.com, internet: www.madein-theweb.com