These are challenging times, and we are deeply grateful to our friends in the healthcare community bravely battling the Corona virus. It is a natural consequence of this crisis that elective surgeries need to be postponed, which of course we fully support. Episurf Medical recently completed a financing round, preparing the company for additional clinical trials and continued commercialisation. In recent weeks, we have seen positive early results from two important clinical trials in Europe. These results further reinforce our view that the Episealer® knee implant technology is an ideal treatment solution for middle-aged patients suffering from severe knee pain but not yet ready for total knee replacement. In this newsletter, you can read more about recent events at our company. To date, about 700 patients in Europe have been treated with Episealer implants, with very promising clinical results, in some cases for longer than seven years. Our company is developing well, and more and more patients can benefit from our implant technology. We are looking forward to staying in touch. Pål Ryfors Chief Executive Officer, Episurf Medical
On February 12th, Episurf held its 1st Episealer Talus Skills Lab. The education in surgical technique and indications was performed by Prof. Dr. C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD, founder of the Amsterdam Foot & Ankle School. Please click on the image to see the interview with Prof. van Dijk and hear his thoughts about the new Episealer implant.
We plan to host our 4th dedicated Episealer Masterclass later this year. We follow the progress of the Corona virus situation and we will decide on a date for the Masterclass when the situation has stabilised. Please keep in touch with your Episurf representative and we will make sure you are informed once we have an update about the date.
M.Högström, M.D. Ph.D. presenting at the 6th Annual Meeting of the UK Biological Knee Society At the 6th Annual Meeting of the UK Biological Knee Society Meeting on January 30-31, in Cambridge, the United Kingdom, M.D. Ph.D. M. Högström at Sports Medicine Umeå, Sweden, was invited to give the presentation “Metal Mini Prosthesis for Focal Chondral Lesions”. The presentation was based on the clinical results from a European multicenter study with patients in the “gap age”, 35-60 years old, that have undergone treatment of focal chondral defects using the knee implant Episealer. Results presented below.
Metal Mini Prosthesis for Focal Chondral Lesions - n=79
- Average age at surgery: 49 years (range 27-69)
- Female: 45 Male: 34
- Medial condyle: 63 Lateral condyle: 6 Trochlea: 10
Press releases In recent weeks, Episurf Medical has published several relevant news. Please press on the links below to access the most relevant press releases:
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