SIMONE GRØTTE - HOLD TIGHT world premiere!
photo: Mariell Amelie Lind Hansen
Simone Grøtte's new piece HOLD TIGHT will premiere 23 Jan 2020. The piece is a co-production with Hålogaland Teater and the opening of The Northern Lights Festival 2020 in Tromsø (NO). HOLD TIGHT digs in to questions about identity, belonging and the will to hold tight - to your surroundings and to your life. Check out the teaser here. After 14 shows in Tromsø (NO) the performance is heading even further north in Norway to Nordreisa 11 Feb 2020, Lakselv 12 Feb 2020, Honningsvåg 13 Feb 2020 and Vadsø 15 Feb 2020. In addition to the world premiere, Simone Grøtte kicks off 2020 with a trip to Vancouver (CA) where the company will be represented at the convention PuSh 2020. Find out more about Simone Grøtte at madeintheweb.com
ZERO VISIBILITY CORP. - New piece premieres at House of Dance in Oslo in January
photo: Antero Hein
The creation of WHEN MONDAY CAME is coming along with full power, and the team is now totally focused on finalizing the piece towards the premiere 30 Jan 2020 at Dansens Hus, Oslo (NO). For teaser, please go here. WHEN MONDAY CAME is shown at House of Dance, Oslo (NO) 30 Jan-1 feb 2020. For tickets, please go here.
WHEN MONDAY CAME, is no.2 in zvc`s ongoing trilogy which has human conditions, in regards to the global climate changes, as it´s turning point. The overall theme in this piece is the global wild fires - which are having a huge impact on the ecology in the world right now. What happens to people when their environment burns down? Is fire merely destructive? Or can it propose new beginnings?
FROZEN SONGS, no. 1 in the trilogy, is programmed to Dansens Hus, Stockholm (SE) 1-2 April 2020. More info here.
Find out more about zero visibility corp. at madeintheweb.com
Everything has a time. Everything has a space. All life has a body. With that in mind, Jon R. Skulberg begins his work, regardless of whether it is an opera, a performance work or a dance piece. As a director, scenographer and choreographer he works with spatial-somatic relationships. Convoi Exceptionnel is special transport and wide cargo. Like the sign found on large highway trucks, the company is a reminder to pay attention to particular weight and content. Convoi Exceptionnel is a transport system for the enigmatic, pain, the anxious and the possibility of hope. Convoi Exceptionnel, founded in 2018, is a Nordic production platform creating existentialist works, focusing on interdisciplinarity within theatre, opera, choreography, and installation. The company is led by artistic director Jon R. Skulberg and creative producer Lene Bang. Find out more about Convoi Exceptionnel at madeintheweb.com
photo: Søren Kjeldgaard
FOR EVER FOUR SEASONS is a musical, choreographic, and existentialist work that insists on slowness. It is an act of resistance against the rapidly accelerating world. Setting the contrast, Jon R. Skulberg and Convoi Exceptionnel want to give the audience a sensuous experience, which both pleases and disturbs while posing the fundamental question: What is the role of mankind in the Anthropocene era? The dancer Kenzo Kusuda, liberates himself from the patterns of human motion to create the basic form of "nature". The performer Marianna Kavallieratos is a figure wandering in a probable and violent vision of the future - in a futile attempt to build a relationship between the outside world and a "nature" which no longer bears any resemblance to itself. Anchoring the figures, conditions, and emotional states to the newly composed works of the cello duo Soma & Lil as well as the composer and sound artist Kristian Hverring, Jon R. Skulberg's staging, scenography and light invites the audience to a series of images in the presence of slow but continual change. The piece premiered 4 Sep 2019 at Bora bora, Aarhus (DK). – The ability of man is the enigma of man, this for good and evil! Watch a trailer here. More info here. FOR EVER FOUR SEASONS will be performed at Danbshallarne in Copenhagen (DK) 12-13 Mar 2020 and in Sandnes (NO) 7 may 2020. Find out more about Convoi Exceptionnel at madeintheweb.com
VIRPI PAHKINEN - Showing short documentaries from behind the scene
photo: Carl Thorborg
A new portrait series of artists working on and behind the scenes made by LFA film will be released 15 Jan 2020. You will find two short documentaries on Virpi Pahkinen on the Youtube-channel this is my FLIP SIDE and on www.thisismyflipside.com. 1 Feb and 8 Feb 2020 Virpi Pahkinen will share an evening with Thibault Monnier at the Theater Universum in Helsinki, Finland. Virpi will dance together with Pontus Sundset Granat and Thibault with Minna Tervamäki. Find out more about Virpi Pahkinen at madeintheweb.com
KASSANDRA PRODUCTION - Presenting a new world premiere unmasking the modern predator
photo: Annika B. Lewis
THE SOUL CATCHER opens 21-25 Jan 2020 at Theatre Bora Bora in Aarhus (DK). THE SOUL CATCHER is a seductive and deeply disturbing performance about psychological abuse, manipulation and power - in a powerful mix of performance, dance, spoken word and electronic music. THE SOUL CATCHER is produced by Kassandra Production in a co-production with theatre Bora Bora. More info here.
photo. Tale Hendnes
IBP will bepresent at TPAM, Yokohama 9-14 Feb 2020. Don’t hesitate to contact the company to book a meeting in advance. UNCOORDINATED DOG, that premiered at Dansens Hus Oslo (NO) in October 2019 is ready for touring in 2020. For this performance, Ingun Bjørnsgaard again works with dancers who were significant in her early choreographies from the beginning of the 1990s. More information about upcoming tours and activity here. IBP is planning two new works, with exciting collaborators! More information coming soon. Read more about Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt at madeintheweb.com
TERO SAARINEN COMPANY - Helsinki premiere season of THIRD PRACTICE in June
photo: Kai Kuusisto
Tero Saarinen Company will present its new creation THIRD PRACTICE at the Finnish National Opera's Almi Hall in Helsinki on 10-17 June 2020. TSC's home season coincides with the first edition of the Helsinki Biennial. Choreographer Saarinen's latest brings new dimensions to opera pioneer Claudio Monteverdi's revolutionary music. The composer's breathtakingly beautiful madrigals are incarnated on stage by tenor Topi Lehtipuu, virtual soprano Núria Rial plus the dancers of Tero Saarinen Company and musicians from Helsinki Baroque Orchestra. THIRD PRACTICE received its world premiere at the Monteverdi Festival Cremona 2019 in Italy. "Sophisticated --- baroque transposed to the contemporary" - LA PROVINCIA DI CREMONA "Third Practice is an ambitious union of dance and music — Unforgettable moments" - HELSINGIN SANOMAT Learn more about Tero Saarinen Company at madeintheweb.com
CLAIRE PARSONS CO. - Performing in Berlin in January
photo: Martin Skoog
The new production SOON SWOON is invited to perform at the International Festival Purple in Berlin. Join the company at The Spandau Theater 22 Jan and 23 Jan 2020 and at the Round up discussion table where Claire be on the panel 24 Jan 2020. In SOON SWOON two figures move, swing and deliberate - or are they three? In a room with a black mirror floor and blue skies SOON SWOON travels in parallell realities and big emotions. An immersive experience bringing humour, some singing and exquisite details. The tour will continue to Dansens Hus in Stockholm (SE) for shows 1 Feb 2020 and school shows 18-21 March 2020. SOON SWOON is targeted for audiences from 9 and up. The coming season, Claire Parsons Co. will be touring and performing in Sweden, Norway, Singapore and Finland. Voices from the audience: "A Pina Bausch for children!" "I give it ten out of ten."Read more about Claire Parsons Co. at madeintheweb.com
INGRID OLTERMAN DANS - Preparing for a tour to China in the autumn of 2020
photo: Martin Skoog
The company Ingrid Olterman Dans has had an intense autumn season 2019 with the premiere of FRICTION; a dance and music piece for children from 4 years old. In the spring FRICTION will continue touring in Sweden with 25 performances in different venues. Ingrid Olterman Dans is also working closely with a Chinese partner wrapping up a 5 week tour with the performance ISLANDS. The company will perform ISLANDS forty times during the tour in Shanghai and Hangzhou in November and December 2020. The company continues touring with the smaller productions READ AND MOVE and LISTEN TO THE WIND and the oldie SHELTER TREES will return again. For more info visit the company´s website. Read more about Ingrid Olterman dance at madeintheweb.com
ALAN LUCIEN ØYEN / WINTER GUESTS - Meet Alan at Norway Now i NY in January
photo: Filip Van Roe
Alan Lucien Øyen's new premier of RUSALKA at Opera Vlaanderen has been met with standing ovations and great reviews! Playing in Antwerp in December, this legendary tale by Antonín Dvořák is now running through 23 Jan 2020 in Ghent. Don't miss seeing this amazing cast of vocalists and dancers – as well as the phenomenal set by Åsmund Færavaag. Alan is honored to have made the solo STARS for the Etoile and Director of Paris Opera Aurelie Dupont. Premiering in Shanghai, she will perform this piece many times this winter including 25-26 Jan 2020 in Rome as part of Les Étoiles. 5-12 January 2020 Alan will be in New York City participating as part of the Norwegian delegation attending APAP / Under the Radar Festival. Come hear about winter guests next big premier RIVERS (working title) as part of Norway Now on 12 Jan 2020 at the Scandinavian House. Find out more about Alan Lucien Øyen / winter guests at madeintheweb.com
BJÖRN SÄFSTEN - New work premieres in February
photo: Märta Thisner
Björn Säfsten's latest work LOST NIGHT opens at Atalante in Göteborg (SE) 20 Feb 2020. In LOST NIGHT three individuals gather in space. They form a choir whilst being three different individuals, three different voices. They are processing something. They try to sort out their impressions, actions and thoughts. How do you listen in a correct way and affirm the other? They try, with a common will and a gentle concern. The night is constantly present. Idea and choreography by Björn Säfsten in close collaboration with participating performers. A co-production with NorrlandsOperan and MDT with residencies at The Swedish Arts Council and Arbeitsplatz Wien. Tour dates spring 2020: 20-21 feb 2020 Atalante, Göteborg (SE), 27-28 Feb 2020 Inkonst, Malmö (SE), 6-7 May 2020 MDT, Stockholm (SE), 9 May 2020 Bærum Kulturhus, Bærum (NO). Read more about Björn Säfsten at madeintheweb.com
This month’s premieres of companies participating at madeintheweb.com are:
21 Jan 2020 THE SOUL CATCHER Kassandra Productions (DK) 23 Jan 2020 HOLD TIGHT Simone Grøtte (NO) 30 Jan 2020 WHEN MONDAY CAME zero visibility corp. (NO) 30 Jan 2020 THE BREAKDOWN Jo Strømgren Kompani (NO)
All the best from Åsa Edgren & Titti Grahl/Loco World MADEIN-THEWEB.COM, and all our joint members. |
FOLLOW US  on Facebook & TwitterMADE IN the web www.madein-theweb.com a website displaying Nordic performing arts intended for an international audience. MADE IN the web is an initiative created by Loco World with the intention to increase the visibility for Nordic performing arts. Loco World/MADEIN is an organisation supporten by the Swedish Arts Counsil for its international activities.
MADE IN the web Loco World, Järnvägsgatan 36, SE-131 54 Nacka, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)73 324 11 14, email:info@madein-theweb.com, internet: www.madein-theweb.com