CHARLOTTE ENGELKES - Charlotte Goes Cinderella or the Ash-girl
photo: Julius Bohlin
Finally and closer to Christmas, Engelkes' hybrid version of the fairytale about the Ash-tree girl or Cinderella, opens as a guest performance at moment:teater in Stockholm (SE). Charlotte digs up the fairytales and buries the princes. In a honest attempt to find her true voice, she tells the story of Cinderella - or a more sinister tale, in her very own way. A sooty and crystal clear restitution of the child within. And maybe a subconscious tactic to find a prince above earth - or under. World premiere 23 Nov 2018. Also showing on 25 and 30 Nov 2018. More info here. Read more about Charlotte Engelkes at madeintheweb.com
INGUN BJØRNSGAARD PROSJEKT - New piece opens at Dansens Hus (NO) in October
photo: Erik Berg
Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt presents the world premiere of A LIST OF THINGS HE SAID on 19 Oct 2018 at Dansens Hus, Oslo (NO). This is the first time Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt creates a piece with only male dancers. The work will be shown together with the critically acclaimed NOTES ON FRAILTY (2017), featuring four female dancers, 19-21 Oct 2018. Writing movement in time and space, cultural perceptions and contradictions related to femininity and the masculine are at stake, construed and reversed with Bjørnsgaards's idiosyncratic combination of rigorous detail and everyday theatricality. In both performances Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt collaborates closely with composer and musician Christian Wallumrød. The performances are available for touring and can be shown together or separately. NOTES ON FRAILTY will be presented at the ICE HOT Nordic Dance Platform in Reykjavík on 15 Dec 2018, as well as one extra performance open to the public on 16 Dec 2018 at the National Theatre of Iceland. Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt will also be present at CINARS in Montreal in November! Feel free to contact Jorunn Kjersem Hildre, producer. Read more about Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt at madeintheweb.com
VIRPI PAHKINEN - New work premieres in November
photo: Jose Figueroa
World premiere 7 Nov 2018 of Virpi Pahkinen's new work MONOLIT POLYGON with five dancers and newly composed music by Jonas Sjöblom, at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern Stockholm (SE). Also showing 9, 10, 11, 17, 18 Nov 2018. Inspiration for the work is taken from the Dutch visual artist and graphic designer M.C. Escher's mathematical-organic illusions, crystallographic reflections and figures of eternal connections in unlimited space. In MONOLIT POLYGON, Pahkinen plays with the perspective of laws of nature, as well as well-known concepts such as upside-down, back and forth. A welded group breathes collectively, but also splits into individual components. There is tension between order and chaos, freedom and bondage. The piece goes from monolithic density to polygonal connections - from the triangle to the apeirogon. In November Virpi will be showing her piece DEEP TIME at CINARS Biennale. Read more here. Find out more about Virpi Pahkinen at madeintheweb.com
photo: The National Theater of Lithuania, Nuotr. D. Matvejevol
Jo Strømgren Kompani's brand new co-production with the National Theater of Lithuania A BETTER PLACE / THE DOOR premiered 5 Oct 2018 in Vilnius. The piece will also be showing at The Norwegian Opera and Ballet in Oslo (NO) 25-28 Oct 2018. A BETTER PLACE / THE DOOR is a mix of theatre, dance and a nonsensical language, and aims to portray the most disappointing and destructive human features through a nativistic and associative look on a group of people separated by a wall. Jo Strømgren Kompani is visiting PAMS in Seoul this month and CINARS in Montreal in November to present their new productions and active repertoire available for touring, and meet new and old colleagues and friends! For a full list of available productions please look here.Contact the company here. Find out more about Jo Strømgren Kompani at madeintheweb.com
NORRDANS - Presenting the triple bill ALFHILD AGRELL'S HERITAGE
photo: Lia Jacobi
Norrdans enchants with a triple program of physically demanding dance and newly written music. The author Alfhild Agrell was one of the most attentive and appreciated dramatists in Sweden in the 1880s. She was radical and advocated for equality. Now her strong and tragic short stories have inspired three choreographers, three composers and a costume designer to create the performance ALFHILD AGRELL'S HERITAGE. The choreographers Mari Carrasco and Peter Svenzon are drawing inspiration from the novel "Internally Black". Composer Mikael Karlsson writes music to Mari Carrasco's choreography, which will be recorded by the Nordic Chamber Orchestra. The music to José Agudos choreography, inspired by the novel "Glansvit", is written by world famous percussionist Bernhard Schimpelsberger. ALFHILD AGRELL'S HERITAGE opens on 18 Oct 2018 at Härnösands Teater (SE) followed by a tour in Sweden. Tour dates in Sweden autumn & winter 2018/2019: 12 Oct 2018 Härnösands Teater, 20 Oct 2018 Härnösands Teater, 23 Oct 2018 Nordanåteatern, Skellefteå , 25 Oct 2018 Christinasalen, Piteå, 3 0 Oct 2018 Dieselverkstaden, Nacka, 1 Nov 2018 Kulturhuset Tio14, Falun , 5 Nov 2018 Tonhallen, Sundsvall, 7 Nov 2018 Storsjöteatern, Östersund, 5 Dec 2018 NorrlandsOperan, Umeå, 15 Jan 2019 Kulturens Hus, Luleå, 17 Jan 2019 Kalix Folkets Hus, 20 Jan 2019 Haparanda Folkets Hus. Read more about Norrdans at madeintheweb.com
TERO SAARINEN COMPANY - New creation in 2019
photo: Darya Popova
Tero Saarinen Company is currently working on a new large-scale creation with live music, set to premiere in May 2019. For more information, please contact Head of International Relations Johanna Rajamäki. Rajamäki will also be representing TSC at CINARS Biennale 2018 in Montreal from 12 to 17 Nov 2018. She will be reachable at the Cinars Nordic Square, and available for one to one meetings.
TSC's training activities this month include a TERO Master Class in Seoul and a series of TERO morning classes for professionals, running throughout October in Helsinki.
Find out more about Tero Saarinen Company at madeintheweb.com
ANDERSSON DANCE & SCOTTISH ENSEMBLE - New world premiere of music-and-dance collaboration
photo: Hans Nilsson
Scottish Ensemble and Andersson Dance present the world premiere of their second music-and-dance collaboration. PRELUDE - SKYDIVING FROM A DREAM is opening 9 Nov 2018 at Tramway, Glasgow (UK). Fusing music and movement, musician and dancer, PRELUDE – SKYDIVING FROM A DREAM takes three rich pieces of music that push at the boundaries and restrictions of artistic expression and creates something entirely new. More information here. Scotland Tour 2018: 9-10 Nov 2018 Tramway, Glasgow, 13 Nov 2018 Dundee Rep Theatre, Dundee, 15 Nov 2018 Eden Court, Inverness. Sweden Tour 2019 through Dancenet Sweden: 19 March 2018 Dansstationen, Malmö, 20 March 2018 Kungsbacka Teater, Kungsbacka, 2 2-23 March 2018 Dansens Hus, Stockholm, 25 March 2018 Vara Konserthus, Vara, 27 March 2018 Västerås Konserthus, Västerås. Read more about Andersson Dance at madeintheweb.com
ALAN LUCIEN ØYEN / WINTER GUESTS - New piece opens at BIT-Oktoberdans in Bergen (NO)
photo: esc ungdomskompani
Alan Lucien Øyen / winter guests have had a busy start to a beautiful autumn! THE HAMLET COMPLEX, which premiered at the Oslo Opera House in September, received rave reviews and Alan Øyen was surprised with the Wilhelmsens Opera og Ballettpris Award. The company is now thrilled to premiere their new work DREAM, ON BABY on 20 Oct 2018 – created with the ESC youth company as part of BIT-Oktoberdans – the International Dance Festival in Bergen, exploring the fine line between childhood and adulthood...between dreams and reality. After this, winter guests heads to Georgia with their piece SIMULACRUM running 12-13 Nov 2018 as part of the GIFT Festival. Annika Ostwald, Senior Project Manager, is currently in South Korea for PAMS (Performing Arts Market) and is gearing up for CINARS in Montreal this November. She is looking forward to seeing many familiar faces and discussing upcoming winter guest productions! Get in contact with Annika here. Have a look at a 2018 showreel here. Read more about Alan Lucien Øyen / winter guests at madeintheweb.com
photo: Mats Bäcker
Three times has Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui been awarded Choreographer of the Year by Tanz Magazine. This year, the title was given to Crystal Pite. The performane DUST TO DUST brings them both together. GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, made up by 38 dancers from more than 20 countries, is considered one of the foremost contemporary companies in the world today. Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui's STOIC is created directly for the company, with musicians and singers performing live on stage. A co-production with Eastman. In Crystal Pite's SOLO ECHO, the dancers interpret two stunning sonatas for cello and piano by Brahms. World/Swedish premiere 12 Oct 2018 at GöteborgsOperan (SE) for STOIC by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Swedish premiere for SOLO ECHO by Crystal Pite. Read more about GöteborgsOperans Danskompani at madeintheweb.com
GUNILLA HEILBORN - Receiving praise for THE BOOK
photo: Stefan Bohlin
Gunilla Heilborn's latest Lecture Performance THE BOOK premiered at Dansens Hus in Stockholm (SE) on 2 Oct 2018 and was well recieved aswell with critics as with audiences. "An unexpected tribute to Leonard Cohen becomes a kind of manifestation of the importance of keeping track of facts, since all free associations can lead to risky magic thinking. Or - like here - to very entertaining art ". Cecilia Djurberg, Aftonbladet, National Daily. On stage Gunilla Heilborn and her assistant Louise Peterhoff excel in this second part in Gunillas research project on memory; " The Memory Theatre Trilogy". Next possibility to experience THE BOOK is in Umeå at Norrlandsoperan (SE) on 31 Oct 2018. The Book is a co-production with Place des Arts in Montréal and NorrlandsOperan, Umeå. THE WONDERFUL AND THE ORDINARY - (The Memory Theatre Part I) will be performed at ICE HOT Reykjavik, the Dance Platform for contemporary work from the five Nordic countries 15 Dec 2018, Reykjavik City Theater, Reykjavik (IS). The show is a coproduction with Theater im Bahnhof from Graz(AT). MONUMENT (The Memory Theatre Part III) will premiere in March 2019. It is a co-production with TUR-Teatern in Kärrtorp, Stockholm (SE). WHY I WEAR THIS SHIRT by Gunilla Heilborn and the Norwegian graphic designer, artist and musician Kim Hiorthøy is on tour in Norway in October, next possibility is 17 Oct 2018 at Teaterhuset Avantgarden Trondheim (NO) . Read more about Gunilla Heilborn at madeintheweb.com
ZERO VISIBILITY CORP – New work opens at Dansens Hus in Oslo in November
photo: Chrisander Brun
WHO TOLD YOU THIS ROOM EXISTS? is the first part of Ina Christels upcoming trilogy which thematically builds on the following three headlines: Decay/Desire, Disaster/Tragedy, Abandonment/Loss. WHO TOLD YOU THIS ROOM EXISTS? is a piece with a physical expression of detail and distinction, accompanied by experimental electronic music by Mika Vainio. In this piece Zero Visibility Corp is exploring various rooms; Actual physical rooms, social rooms, internal rooms. WHO TOLD YOU THIS ROOM EXISTS? will premiere at Dansens Hus in Oslo 8 Nov 2018. Also showing 9-13 Nov 2018. The production will be touring in 2019-20. More news and information here. Read more about Zero Visibility Corp at madeintheweb.com
CLAIRE PARSONS CO. - Touring the United States
photo: Mats Åsman
In October Claire Parsons Co. embarks on the first part of a two year tour in the United States. AND THEN is part of the Kids Euro Festival in Washington DC 28 Oct-5 Nov 2018 with performances at The Kennedy Center, House of Sweden, Excel Academy and Maison Francaise, continuing to The Walton Arts Center in Arkansas 6-8 Nov 2018. Claire Parsons' production GRASS will continue touring extensively in Sweden during October. In November SIGNALwill start touring with dates at Nya Teatern in Örebro (SE) 21-23 Nov 2018. See the schedule for more details. Claire Parsons will premiere A SMALLER SWAN LAKE on 30 Nov 2018 for The Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm (SE), in an initiative from Sweden's main theater institution to create classics for young audiences. Read more about Claire Parsons Co. at madeintheweb.com
REGIONTEATER VÄST DANS - Celebrating its 20th anniversary
photo:Håkan Larsson
Regionteater Väst is celebrating that their dance ensemble has existed for 20 years and invites everyone to an Open House at Regionteater Väst Dans in Borås (SE) on 2 Nov 2018, including a free entrance to the performance JUSTINE. Throughout the day you can check out the rehearsals of the performance MAGNET, go on a guided tour through the house, watch costumes, exhibitions and enjoy "swedish fika". More info here.
Regionteater Väst is one of the largest touring institutions in the west of Sweden as well as one of the largest producers of performing art for children and young people throughout the whole of Sweden. In 2012, Regionteater Väst was awarded the prestigious Prix d´ASSITEJ by the Swedish ASSITEJ, a member of ASSITEJ International, the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People.
Find out more about Regionteater Väst Dans at madeintheweb.com
ILDANCE - Work in progress presentation & public talk for iCoDaCo
photo: Swire Properties' ArtisTree, Hong Kong
iCoDaCo will present a work in progress sharing their creation's current development phase on 23 Oct 2018 at Regionteater Väst in Uddevalla (SE). This will be followed by a conversation and Q&A session with members of the public. This presentation will take place halfway through iCoDaCo's 3rd international residency, marking the halfway point of the creation process of the new piece TRANSFORMATION (working title) which will premiere at the BalletOFFFestival in Krakow, Poland on 22 Nov 2018. This session will also be streamed live on the iCoDaCo Facebook page here.iCoDaCo (International Contemporary Dance Collective) is a biennial artist led intercultural exchange project within the landscape of contemporary dance. The collaborative project first took place in 2012 and was initiated by ilDance. Find out more about iCoDaCo here. Read more about ilDance at madeintheweb.com
All the best from Åsa Edgren, Anna Diehl & Titti Grahl/Loco World MADEIN-THEWEB.COM, and all our joint members.